The Psalms study is titled "The One who pleads on our behalf." Psalms 43 is a short psalm only 5 verses, we discuss fasting and how David trusts in the Lord from a Torah perspective rooted in the covenant even in the midst of troubles.
Psalms 39 Part 1, Does the Lord Inflict Punishment for the Purpose of Drawing us to Repentance?
David asks the Lord to "remove the plague the Lord has given him." Would the Lord cause a plague to come upon a believer in Yeshua the Messiah today? David understood the purpose of the plague was to "make known his sins" within the covenant context. The Lord admonishes His children even today but do we realize this is what the Lord is doing based upon modern theology teaching in Yeshua nothing like this would happen?
Tehillim / Psalms 41, Part 1 Commentary by MATSATI.COM Messianic Ministry
Tehillim / Psalms 41, Part 1 is titled "David's Struggle with His Enemies and Our Salvation in the Lord." In this study we discuss what it means to listen and obey, is it ok to pray for the death of our enemies, and the meaning of the horn of salvation.
Tehillim / Psalms 43 Part 2 – Commentary by MATSATI.COM Messianic Ministry
Part 2 study of the Psalms is titled "The Merit of our Fathers." We discuss Midrash Tehillim 43, the topic of the merit of our fathers, and how this concept has been brought into the Apostolic Writings (NT). Hope you enjoy the commentary.
Tehillim / Psalm 38 Part 2, Part 2, Our Aim in Prayer and the Lord Remembering Us
Studying the Psalms from a Torah perspective… Commentary on Tehillim / Psalms 38 Part 2 by Duane D. Miller with MATSATI.COM Messianic Ministry. Looking at Midrash, David's words, and the yoke of the kingdom…
Bits of Torah Truths, Parashat Terumah 2015, Commentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's Torah portion is titled "Ascending and Descending, a Hebrew Idiom?" We discuss the rabbinic concept of "ascending and descending" and "leading captivity captive," to understand the Apostle Paul's words to the Ephesians (Chapter 4) on Yeshua the Messiah who descended and ascended using the rabbinic idiom from the Torah to teach in midrashic form saying Yeshua is the Messiah of God!
Tehillim / Psalms 61, Part 2, Commentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study is titled, "Prayer, Truth, and the King Messiah" we discuss prayer, Rambam, and the rabbis comments on the King Messiah are a very close parallel to Yeshua the Messiah… Read more here:
Tehillim / Psalms 62, Part 1, Commentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study is titled "Calling out to the Soul to Remain Silent," read more at
Tehillim / Psalms 63, Part 1, Comentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's title "Thirsting for the Lord in heaven" we discuss various topics, why was David in the wilderness of Judah, kabbalah, the Talmud, and Yeshua.
Tehillim / Psalms 63, Part 2, Commentary by MATSATI (dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study is titled, "Thirsting for the Lord in Heaven" – See more at:
Tehillim / Psalms 67, Part 1, Commentary by MATSATI(dot) COM Teaching Ministry
This week's study is titled, "The Ger Toshav and the Gentile believer." Read more at
Tehillim / Psalm 68 Part 1, Commentary by MATSATI(dot)COM Teaching Ministry
This week's Study is titled "The Nations will come to be Converted." Read more here: