Contrary to the opinion that disease reversal can only happen in the young, anti-aging and disease reversal can happen at any age!

Biblical chronologist and broadcaster Michael Rood is living proof. He's in the best health of his life today in his mid-60s, reversing heart disease after a quintuple bypass. And he’s about to give you… a Health Awakening.

To understand Jesus' life and the Bible we have to comprehend the religious environment of Israel during that time period. Two factions ruled Israel – Pharisees and Sadducees. They disagreed on innumerable issues and simply agreed on their hatred for the "Messiah".

In this episode of The Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood, will provide understanding of the religious systems that dominated first century Israel, the definition of repentance, and the Bible mistranslations of Jesus's ascension.

Join Michael Rood in Israel as you explore the Life and Teachings of Jesus – Yeshua of Nazareth.

For more information visit:
To receive free teachings contact us at: 888-766-3610.
Sign up for our email list to receive more information on the life of To understand Jesus' life and the Bible we have to comprehend the religious environment of Israel during that time period. Two factions ruled Israel – Pharisees and Sadducees. They disagreed on innumerable issues and simply agreed on their hatred for the "Messiah".

In this episode of The Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood, will provide understanding of the religious systems that dominated first century Israel, the definition of repentance, and the Bible mistranslations of Jesus's ascension.

Join Michael Rood in Israel as you explore the Life and Teachings of Jesus – Yeshua of Nazareth.

For more information visit:
To receive free teachings contact us at: 888-766-3610.
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This week you'll see a NEW series on Shabbat Night Live featuring Nehemia Gordon and Michael Rood! Plus, this Saturday night starts Yom Kippur… Scott Laird and Anny Reed explain what it's all about and how you can take part at home!




Shalom Torah fans. This is Michael Rood and I’m in the old city of Jerusalem at Christ Church and tonight we are getting together with a great number of people right outside of Joppa Gate to sight the first sliver of the new moon. This will be the Day of Trumpets. And tonight there will be a great sign in the heavens.

Ladies and gentlemen, if this is the year that these things are going to come to pass, whether we are going to see is what revelation states that YeHoVaH gave unto Yeshua, this revelation to show unto his servant the things which swiftly must come to pass. Swiftly.

And the question is what is “swiftly”? What does it mean. And if this is the year, then it is going to take some very swift action to make this come to pass, and we are going to be looking at the book of Revelation and the stripping of the seals in a different light than we have done historically in the past.


After 40 years of labor, including three decades of restoring the ancient biblical Hebrew calendar, together with the experiences that accompany years of living in Jerusalem and the Galilee, Michael Rood presents the inspired Gospel records in chronological order to enrich your lifetime quest for truth.

The Chronological Gospels piece together the life and ministry of the Messiah in a way no one has ever seen before. It reveals depth, beauty, and truth in the Word that could never be understood until it was put together to tell the story as it happened — complete and chronological.

And now, you can order your copy today. You can get The Chronological gospels in three different ways:
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– Or, for your purchase of $347.00, you can receive The Chronological Gospels Scholars Package, which includes The Chronological Gospels Bible, The Chronological Gospels 4-DVD set, The Chronological Gospels chart, The Astronomically and Agriculturally Corrected Biblical Hebrew Travel Calendar, The Creator's Calendar DVD, Spring and Fall Feasts DVDs, Raiders of the Lost Book DVD, Hebrew Yeshua vs Greek Jesus book, Who is Your Unauthorized Covering DVD, Mystery of Iniquity book, and The Great Secret of Solomon's Temple DVD. In total, a $444.00 value for just $347 — you save $97.00!

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Here's what's happening during the month of September at A Rood Awakening! International.

Scott and Anny discuss new programming and this month's love gift.

Michael Rood sits down with special guest Joel Richardson to discuss Joel's recent trip to Saudi Arabia and the real location of Mount Sinai.

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Here's what's happening during the month of August at A Rood Awakening! International.

Scott and Anny discuss new programming and this month's love gift.

Michael Rood sits down with special guest Bill Cloud.

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It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

Find more information at:
Watch The Chronological Gospels Season 1 here:
Call with question: 888-766-3610

It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

Find more information at:
Watch The Chronological Gospels Season 1 here:
Call with question: 888-766-3610

It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

Find more information at:
Watch The Chronological Gospels Season 1 here:
Call with question: 888-766-3610

It was on the Island of Patmos that Yochanan, the apostle John, spent his last days because he refused to keep his mouth shut concerning the teachings of Yeshua. He had been repeatedly beaten, tortured, and finally plunged into a caldron of boiling oil.

It was here that Yeshua came to him with one last mission – one last message to deliver – and it would take a man who had faithfully endured pain and suffering to the end. Yeshua came to him and told him to reveal Yeshua as he is now – not as a babe in a manger, not as a sheep silent before his shearers – but as the conquering, reigning judge over all the earth – the Messiah in all his power and glory and authority. Yeshua asked Yochanan to send a message to his servants to prepare them for the earth-shaking events that would usher in the end time Messianic age.

This is the revelation of Yeshua as the Messiah – and these are the things the Messiah wants his faithful servants to know about the end of the age.

Find more information at:
Watch The Chronological Gospels Season 1 here:
Call with question: 888-766-3610

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