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Lie to Who?

(#226 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

When I tell you that your unredeemed heart is wicked and deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9), it is because I know your thoughts. “I Am He who searches the kidneys [emotions] and hearts [intellect, intentions].” (Revelation 2:23) Yes, I created your brain and your ability to develop both temporal and spiritual perception. However, its vast capabilities can work against you as, oftentimes, you convince yourselves that anything bad (the revelation of a wickedness) to your conscience is about someone else. "Wicked and deceitful?" It may still refer to you loved one, if you do not step into your fullness and, on your journey, remain honest about your propensity to live with one foot in this world and one foot in My Kingdom.

Your brain’s ability to perceive My deep things (1 Corinthians 2:10) is rivaled only by its ability to rationalize unrighteousness. Here is a spiritual equation for you to ponder: to rationalize unrighteousness equals hypocrisy. Your denial of this tendency also pertains to your lack of humility. Yes, I know all things about you so, “Humble yourselves in My sight and I will lift you up.” (James 4:10)

Hypocrisy is prevalent because you dream of eternal things and raise hands in worship, yet if you are honest with yourself, contemplating eternity with Me in the future does not fill your soul today with overflowing joy. It's as if you have given up on the now, and placed all of your hope in what one day "might" be. And then you assuage your lack of daily joy with religious services. How is it that I Am the Mighty One of your eternal life and not the Mighty One of your daily life?

Have I not spoken to you about double-mindedness? “Subject yourselves to the Almighty. Resist the adversary [the carnality within that seeks to "choose" rather than obey] and he shall flee from you. Draw near to the Mighty One, and He shall draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners. And cleanse your hearts, you double-minded!” (James 4:7-8) I have called you to live in joy, peace, and righteousness today, not just in eternity. Stop lying to yourself; if you cannot find joy today in faith, how are you so certain it is there for your eternity? Can you quit before the race is over, yet expect the eternal prize?

What am I saying to you? First, I would ask you to stop demanding My eternal prize with your daily dirge. Anger, anxiety, fear, bitterness, selfishness, and greed; all of these have part in your daily life, yet you expect and discuss with others the wonders of the life to come. Stop it loved one! Stop it or I will do it for you. Yes, I would rather you be honest and confess your lack of faith that I will supply all your daily needs (Philippians 4:19). Do this before you discuss My eternal glory; honesty demands it!

Talk to Me; stop lying to yourself; face your fears with Me. I, alone, can conquer what hinders you today, all that keeps you from today's hopes and joys. Today is My day; rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24) This is why I have asked you to number your days (Psalm 90:12). Ask of Me and I shall reveal more of the eternal things, but first rejoice while it is still called “today” (Hebrews 3:12-15).

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It is so

(#216 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

For in much wisdom is much grief, and he who increases knowledge increases suffering. (Ecclesiastes 1:18)

When a man begins to see things as they are, pain (thought turmoil) is increased. When the truth is illuminated, the number of lies one perceives is magnified as well, including blatant deception. Deception is food to the intellectually dishonest person, who would prefer to be told what truth is, rather than to gain spiritual discernment for himself. Sloth and laziness, first mental, and then physical, become apparent to those who gain understanding ("Binah" of the Tree of Life within you). The enlightened one begins to decree what the Father has already made known; “You are inexcusable, O man!” (Romans 2:1) Everything becomes clear, every excuse becomes easy to detect.

Once the deceptive ways (mind paths) of man (carnal thinking) become so easily detectable, love seems impossible. Seeing behind the veil actually makes it more difficult to increase love for mankind. It becomes obvious that the only way to have an authentic sentiment such as, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do," is by supernatural intervention. It is only Him in you that makes you capable of love, and this comes only with daily supplication and practice. For he who practices righteousness is righteous.

Then self-loathing may come as you realize that you too are guilty of the same hypocrisy. You realize you are exactly what you despise in the blatantly sinful. The pain in your heart (mind) is compounded, as even the “perfect days” you have lose their glory because of one “bad day.” The battle inside, the one between flesh (carnal nature) and spirit (mind of the Messiah) consumes you. You detect the inconsistency, yet you have no ability to correct it on your own. This inner battle can lead to many sleepless nights as you recognize the disdain you have for the “you” in you. This is necessary as you must lose your life to find it (Matthew 10:39). But, "There is a life to live, mouths to feed, and debts to pay." Which life is real; which life do you lose? The answer is simple, yet not easy; “Seek first…!” (Matthew 6:33)

And so we see why wisdom increases grief and sorrow, and by seeing only the surface of it all, we acknowledge there is so much more to learn. When you come to this beautiful place, “Be still and know that He is Yahweh.” (Psalm 46:10) And then, be wise enough to do this for just a moment; thank Him for the chance to figure it all out.

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Think it twice

(#175 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

"For look, I Am beginning to bring evil upon the city which is called by My Name, and should you be entirely unpunished? You are not going unpunished, for I Am calling for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth," declares Yahweh of hosts. (Jeremiah 25:29)

Woe to you who call Me “The Lord of Hosts,” in place of Yahweh of hosts, you who cry for help from your enemies. Do I need to remind you of My patterns before you heap judgment upon yourselves, before its time? Have I not told you that judgment begins in My house? Judgment begins with My people, My people named Israyl. Sit silent and consider your ways before you act. Are you not calling judgment upon yourself by scorning your enemy? Have I not told you to pray for those who persecute you? (Matthew 5:44) I need to remind you that when you call down for My wrath, My wrath will come. Yes loved one, it will come right to your doorstep and reveal all that is in your heart (mind). Why must you provoke My long suffering? Why do I perceive a broken child in you, yet you stand in firm defiance towards all whom might oppress you?

Humility child! Think before you pray. Think while you pray. How can the Spirit I placed in you defy My patterns? It is not possible. It cannot be. Are you so pure in your own mind that you use such harsh measures? Can you no longer relate to a consciousness that would consider sin? It is you child who will be corrected while you call down vengeance upon another.

Oh, loved one, do not misunderstand, sinlessness is the call for My perfected ones. I do strongly desire that you arrive at this place. A thought for you to consider: can one who possesses all power have any enemies who can do any harm to them? Though one may deem himself an enemy, can they have any effect on the perfected one? Think child, and ponder. Humble yourself. Many times, a man’s only enemy comes from within. Yes, judgment begins with My people. Perhaps you might offer the mercy that you will soon long for?

"For the time has come when judgment [sifting using Yahweh's standards] must begin in the House [Temple in your conscience] of the Almighty [Yahweh], and if first with us [the redeemed minds], what will be the end of those [unredeemed minds] who do not obey the good message [perfected mind patterns] of the Mighty One [Yahweh]?" (1 Peter 4:17)

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This I Know

(#122 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

When can you truly be “free?” It's complex, yet so very simple. It’s merely a matter of “self” realization. Freedom can only come from the realization that the ego exists as part of your carnal nature, and that the carnal nature is one of total wickedness. Couple the awareness of this with the implantation of the Spirit of Yahweh into the conscience, and therewith, the idea of freedom becomes a realization, but not yet realized.

Paul speaks of “flesh vs. Spirit” and reveals, in part, the answer that is being elaborated here. Yes, the answer lies in this simple thought: “So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please the Almighty. But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of the Mighty One dwells in you.” (Romans 8:8-9) I now realize that everything about my “self” (carnal nature) must decrease in order to become everything He desires for me. I must decrease! (John 3:30) This is most certainly a key component to the pattern of freedom, and must transform every thought within; but it is not the totality of the pattern.

The next step comes from obedience to step one; the realization that “On my own I shall never be good, ever!” By continually acknowledging this portion of the pattern, a new reality is birthed into consciousness, and it will sound something like this:

“Father, I am ready for the transformation, a complete shift from carnal to spiritual in all areas of my thought life. I believe that what first qualifies me is the presence of Your Spirit in me. And then when You do transform me and set me free, that the persistent recognition of it stirs this confession within; ‘I could have never done this, nor would I have ever wanted this goodness and purity apart from You.’”

It’s so very—perfect!

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Your Scent

(#106 from Suffer Well Devotional Series©)

To one we are the aroma of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? (2 Corinthians 2:16)

I tell you these things to prepare you My child. I remind you that to the majority, you will carry the stench of death. The path that leads to life is narrow, and few find it (Matthew 7:14). Yes, My words tell you that many shall follow after the beast, the desires of the ego (Revelation 13:3).

Build up your resolve to bring forth life. Do so with proper perspective. Minister to all with a heart of faith but do not grow weary. Expect very few to receive the life (spiritual consciousness) you bring. Consider My servant Jeremiah; “But I was like a docile lamb brought to the slaughter; and I did not know that they had devised schemes against me, saying, ‘Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, and let us cut him off from the land of the living, that his name may be remembered no more.’” (Jeremiah 11:19)

Remember the words of My son. “Of all the Father has given Me, I have lost none.” (John 18:9) Rest assured My child; My Kingdom will not be missing any whom I have called. Prophesy, minister, and operate in love at all times; and I will do My part and allow you to accept rejection with the love of your Messiah (Luke 6:35; 1 Thessalonians 3:12), the love that never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8)!

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Charles Thurston is a board-certified emergency physician, and has served in hospitals in Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia, Georgia and California for over thirty years. His practice of medicine and knowledge of the Bible have lead him into a study on the Body Codes. You were wonderfully and fearfully made. And, the manifestations of the Word of God can be found in our health!

The Bible is full of parables of disease from the plague to epilepsy. Their connection to the Scriptures is enlightening and refreshing. In this episode, you will hear Dr. Charles Thurston and Dr. Scott Laird discuss tuberculosis, schizophrenia, demon possession, and sin. Do you have unconfessed sin? This can affect your health! Learn more in this incredible episode of Shabbat Night Live!

Join Michael Rood and Joe Kovacs, Executive News Editor of World Net Daily and acclaimed journalist who has applied his research skills to uncover shocking truths found in God's word.

Ask any typical Christian who loves Jesus, loves Yeshua, loves the Messiah, why on earth are they putting up a tree in their living room and decking it with silver and gold? And they do not have an answer. It’s just a tradition and a custom in their family they say.

Ironically, the Bible talks about the exact opposite of this custom. God is actually telling his people don't learn this custom of cutting down trees, bringing them inside and decorating them. He says it's actually an abomination! Are participating in an abomination without even knowing it?

Join us for this week's enlightening episode!

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To understand Jesus' life and the Bible we have to comprehend the religious environment of Israel during that time period. Two factions ruled Israel – Pharisees and Sadducees. They disagreed on innumerable issues and simply agreed on their hatred for the "Messiah".

In this episode of The Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood, will provide understanding of the religious systems that dominated first century Israel, the definition of repentance, and the Bible mistranslations of Jesus's ascension.

Join Michael Rood in Israel as you explore the Life and Teachings of Jesus – Yeshua of Nazareth.

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Sign up for our email list to receive more information on the life of To understand Jesus' life and the Bible we have to comprehend the religious environment of Israel during that time period. Two factions ruled Israel – Pharisees and Sadducees. They disagreed on innumerable issues and simply agreed on their hatred for the "Messiah".

In this episode of The Chronological Gospels, Michael Rood, will provide understanding of the religious systems that dominated first century Israel, the definition of repentance, and the Bible mistranslations of Jesus's ascension.

Join Michael Rood in Israel as you explore the Life and Teachings of Jesus – Yeshua of Nazareth.

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Michael Rood welcomes Dr. Charles Thurston, MD and author. Dr. Thurston has served in hospitals throughout the US as well as traveling the world in search of the many infallible truths that bring the Bible alive.

We should always start at the beginning. The whole world is in Genesis 1:1. This verse contains the origin of time, space and the mass continuum. Dr. Thurston explains this fascinating hypothesis from the original Hebrew translation. Don't miss this fascinating and revealing teaching.

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Joe Kovacs is the Executive News Editor for World Net Daily, as well as an acclaimed journalist who has applied his research skills to uncover shocking truths from the Bible.

We as Christians have done ourselves an incredible disservice in believing that all Old Testament law is done away with, and that we now live under the grace of the New Testament alone. This creates quite a conundrum when certain Levitical laws clearly state such things as homosexuality being a sin. If we tell others that we are no longer "under the law," but then directly quote that law claiming someone's lifestyle is sinful, we contradict ourselves, and seemingly, the Bible itself.

Many nonbelievers often quote are own Bible back to us concerning the dietary law, and ask why it's ok for us to disobey, but not for them. Disobedience is disobedience. Is it coincidence that both of these topics are addressed in the same book of Leviticus? If our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, should we not obey the laws to keep the temple rid of impurities?

"If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are." – 1 Corinthians 3:17

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Michael Rood welcomes Dr. Charles Thurston, MD and author. Dr. Thurston has served in hospitals throughout the US as well as traveling the world in search of the many infallible truths that bring the Bible alive.

Every 2000 years, spring comes a whole constellation earlier than it did before. That’s how the sun could be in the constellation of the ram now and 2000 years earlier in the constellation of the bull. The Word says, "the heavens declare the Word of God and in them has He set a tabernacle for the sun”, which is how the sun appears to go from the east to west and the earth is preceding through the constellations on the same path. This precession of the equinox is a calendar.

Join us for this fascinating and informative episode and learn how God set the constellations and the revelations we can get from studying them.

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