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12 thoughts on “Tell The World

  1. I agree Paul, I minister to the poor, homeless, streetwalkers, alcoholics, drug addicts, beggers and guys that walk around collecting bottles and cans. Yes there’s a few people on welfare or SSI/SSD or SS retired … but all are poor. I never accept donations and unless YHWH says I must, I’ll never take a donation. I make what I can for a living, share a piece of my income as a poor tithe and follow His law as best I can.
    Scamming people out of money by twisting the Bible is for those calling themselves “Christian ministers”, because many will heap up for themselves teachers to fill their itching ears with what they want to hear, but it’s not sound doctrine … the Bible speaks plainly of this. We that preach Yeshua’s perfect work as the Father desired to be done and His sinless sacrifice offering for sin know the law is perfect at converting the soul, it’s spiritual nature is denied by wicked people that believe in a false Jesus and a false gospel. The day comes when many shall weep and mourn, nashing their teeth because they were told to depart from the Holy One of YHWH, He never knew them.
    Thanks for the video!!!

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