Today Dr. Coldwell talks about his program of how to cure cancer and how the doctors have it all wrong. This is part 7. Just one more and the interview is complete. You can see all 8 parts of this interview at the health show on


9 thoughts on “The answer to cure cancer with Dr. Coldwell Part 7

  1. This is awsome.This man doesn’t say that he has the only cure.He knows that there are several cures for cancer and it’s not chemo and radiation,
    .I’m going to stick with the cure i’m using now,but the one he is talking about works to.

  2. This is true my grandmother had cancer three different times and didn’t do anything and she was healed. She prayed and kept living.

  3. Thank you for the tip. I watched it and concluded that some cancers cannot be cured; you may live a long time with the cancer but it will ultimately take you down.

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