Today is a special day. It's one full year that I have my beard. This video took me a while to put together but it was fun and worth it. Enjoy the Beard Video.
19 thoughts on “The Beard Video #372”
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Today is a special day. It's one full year that I have my beard. This video took me a while to put together but it was fun and worth it. Enjoy the Beard Video.
: )
My beard is over a year long now and that’s not necessarily true; a lot of woman come up to me wanting to touch my beard; I’ve had a girl kiss it once and several take pictures with me….of course i get the “look how scary and creepy he is” looks, but that’s to be expected and i’ve heard every name there is..doesn’t bother me at all.
I like them when they are groomed.
that guy reminds me of Johnny Depp
Loved the video. I’m 5 weeks into growing my beard back and found this very inspiring …great job. Oh, and by the way Paul your beard looks magnificent !! Grow a beard guys it will make you feel more complete, no need to conform to social conditioning and corporate pressure if you happen to work in the business world … Let it Grow !! It’s nature’s way and you owe it to yourselves to grow it out at least once in your life, give it a go and see how it grows..take the journey and quit shaving ★
I will start to let grow my moustache and my beard now too although i am still 19 and young and dont have to grow it but i want a proper moustache and beard and want to look older like 28
Great one man.. I’m on my third month full growing..
Let’s grow our hair long also!
Ok very nice groath in 2010 how about an update for 2013 My beard is 28 inches long and never cut the top is mid thigh length I would love to see you in thtrty years ! believe me it takes balls to do it and not fall off the wagon and girl face yourself If you take it off I will buy you a dress and sew you in it All the best gurkirpal singh
amen to that gs
The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up: STATIN NATION (Full Movie) – There’s a link on my ‘Beard ‘n Fried Eggs’ video…YT won’t let me leave the link here to the video regarding STATINs.
I agree with the comment below me good show by the way
Olive oil is the best conditioner. Secret to everything is “DON’T OVERDUE.”
I grow a beard and have had one for most of my adult life. My brother told me that men are sot supposed to shave the margins on our beards. I saw on your channel that we have to not shave any or our beard. I do not shave any of my beard while my brother feels to have it just connecting the cheek to the chin as mandatory. I feel that men should not shave any of our beards. So I just do not shave or cut my beard. It has been almost a year and as a result I have a full, long, beard.
Paul, I’m still enjoying this and all of your Beard videos! You are a wonderful Ambassador for The Beard :-{)}}}}}
Beard on! From the UK.
Thanks for the video. It was very well put together.
“Expensive disposable”. Good one, mate.