I used to think people didn't understand Torah because they don't read the bible but Lex Meyer explained and helped me understand that even people who read their bible don't understand Torah because of a Christian mindset that's taught. See Lex's site at
52 thoughts on “The Christian Mindset Keeps People From Understanding Torah”
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@ Kabane52
Do the math. 1Jn 3:4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
Lexicon :: Strong’s G264 – hamartanō
to be without a share in
(to miss the mark)
to err, be mistaken
to miss or wander from the path of uprightness and honour, to do or go wrong
to wander from the law of God, violate God’s law, sin
Strong’s #8451 tôrâh, tôrâh from (03384)
law, direction, instruction
instruction, direction (human or divine)
body of prophetic teaching
instruction in Messianic age
body of priestly direction or instruction
body of legal directives
law of the burnt offering
of special law, codes of law
custom, manner
the Deuteronomic or Mosaic Law
Strong’s #3384 yârâh, yârâ’
to throw, shoot, cast, pour
to throw, cast
to cast, lay, set
(to shoot arrows)
to throw water, rain
(Niphal) to be shot
to throw, cast
to shoot
to point out, show
to direct, teach, instruct
to throw water, rain
Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mat 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work (iniquity.)
iniquity G458
From G459; illegality, that is, violation of law or (generally) wickedness: – iniquity, X transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.
Mat 5:17 “Don’t think that I have come to destroy the Law of Moses or the teaching of the prophets. I have come not to destroy their teachings but to give full meaning to them.
Mat 5:18 I assure you that nothing will disappear from the law until heaven and earth are gone. The law will not lose even the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter until it has all been done.
Mat 5:19 “A person should obey every command in the law, even one that does not seem important. Whoever refuses to obey any command and teaches others not to obey it will be the least important in God’s kingdom. But whoever obeys the law and teaches others to obey it will be great in God’s kingdom.
Mat 5:20 I tell you that you must do better than the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. If you are not more pleasing to God than they are, you will never enter God’s kingdom.
I guess were it says the clean animals are for food(meat) and sacrifice, means NOTHING, and chapter 9:3 says eat all animals,,
(they ate what they sacrifice,,) (roast and eat,)
(they never sacrifice any unclean animals).
So to you ,,GOD did change His mind then changed His mind again when Moses comes,, then again when Jesus comes ??
That goes against alot of scriptures that says GOD does not change, and do not add or subtract from My Law or My word.
Matt.15:15 & Mark.7:17 Peter & Disciples ask Jesus what did the parable mean ?
The Pharrises asked Jesus whay do Your disciples break the TRADITIONS of elders,and eat whit defiled(unwashed) hands?
He said Why do you Lay aside the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD for your TRADITIONS,
then He said,, in vain they worship Me, with traditions,doctrine, and Commandments of MEN,,
Act.10: Peter knew the meaning of Matt.15:15 parable,, still did not eat,
Act.10:17-18 Wondering and thinking what the vision means ??.
Why Peter is not thinking about what Jesus said in Matthew.5:17 fulfilled ?
Or John 19:30 it is finished ?
Act.11:15 Peter remembered the Words of the Lord ,, Baptized you with the HolySpirit,,
Do not add a word ?
Word #3056 ,(Do Not add a) Statement,,idea,,story,, thought, saying,speach,, speak, instructions,,,communication,,,talk,,
Do not add or subtract from My( ??????? ))) )
DO Not add or subtract from MY INSTRUCTIONS,,
Prov.4: I give you ,,INSTRUCTIONS,,and good DOCTRINE..
The dietary laws or the least part,,
GOD gave them for a longer healthy life,,
Watch animal planet,
all unclean animals clean the world, land & water,,
They eat spoiled meat , animals that or sick, and already dead,
Alligators clean the water,
Sharks clean the water,
all shelfish clean the water and some are filters,
oyters kill hundreds of people a year,,
I was raised eating all this,
3 Heart attacks at 41 ,,
, practice and observe like Jesus said,,
Don’t eat pork for 2 to 3 months , and see the difference in smell ,,
You will hate the smell of it,,
The Torah is life, the Sabbath reminds us who the creator the eternal who in six days created the heaven and the earth and the seventh day rested we as followers of the messiah are to keep the Sabbath. And the Torah not what justinius tells us but what scripture tells us
No man doesn’t have to honor the creator or his day, man can do whatever he want like nimrod the man who because the Sun God in rebellion to the creator. we should honor Helel or the Sun Elohim. by gathering on the venerable day of the sun. The roman emperor constantine authorized and he outlawed the sabbath and would have your head cut off for the sabbath comment you made. Miguel Miguel why do you choose to be under the authority of the one who created the earth. repent come under the Pope authority, and Nimrod, and Tammuz authority, and constantine authorities. U can do whatever your flesh want to do on this side. Under the creators side you can only do what the spirit does. No orgies no abortions, no adutlry, no hating men,
Lex Meyer is one of the best teacher on youtube, Yah bless him, thank you.
LOL, if you were verbally attacked then you know you’re on the right track! FEW there be that find the narrow path.
I am sorry but the fact is Constantine did change all this stuff, and it was an abomination that he did. Now this not personal at all, but we have learned lies, and we need to repent
+Get Out of the Matrix What you claim may be correct, but I’m not referring to the Samaritans, who were a similar group as Hebrew, both Semitic, but developed much later in history.
I write of the “Sumerians” who were Non-Semetic and existed 4-5 thousand years before either of your two groups existed. The Sumerians lost their Kingdom when the Semitic Akkadians invaded around 3,000 B.C.,, taking over their customs and writing skills. Their culture of people were dispersed and/or assimilated with the Akkads and/or other cultures, and were no longer around by the time the Hebrews or the Samaritans separated from their Semitic parent group to start their own tribes.
Most of the Sumerian Language that’s studied and referenced at present time is actually a more advanced Sumero-Akkadian language, not purely Sumerian, nor purely Akkadian.
+Documentary Magic yes and they testify of the same events sir a major flood and the gods coming down teaching them, and mating with women,
+Get Out of the Matrix That’s not in dispute. The basic elements are there; it’s the manipulations, adding to, removing from, as well as changing names, dates, and outcomes of events that are the issue. This practice was a common and accepted practice in that region and time period. The Sumerian story was used as a template for multiple other cultures in that region to create their own histories, based off needs and agendas. The Hebrews followed suit, but not till several thousands of years later.
+Documentary Magic it wasnt you have multiple cultures with the same religion because of babel. the hebrews don’t worship 200 gods, you should study, nimrod tammuz and his mother.
Complete load of rubbish. All that zeitgeist stuff has already been debunked, even by skeptics… Furthermore, we know that literacy dependence cannot be demonstrated. Here, as in most of the parallels in the primeval history, it is considered more likely that Mesopotamian and biblical traditions are based on a common source, pretty much confirming the Bible is true! Some understand this common source to be a piece of more ancient literature, while others consider it the actual event. Like I said, it pretty much confirms the Bible is true and reliable.
Haven’t been to a church in years, there all pagan. Told my wife and family, lost my wife and family, but gained everything!
1And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.a 2For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. 4My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.
God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit
6We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. 7No, we declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began. 8None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. 9However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”b —
the things God has prepared for those who love him—
10these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.
The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.c 14The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16for,
“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”d
But we have the mind of Christ.
Stay faithful to GOD he will give you back more than you lost. I went through the same thing and GOD gave me my sons back a new wife who is amazing loves GOD and 6 more kids. And most importantly I have grown so much as a follower of Yeshua and as a man.
I’m going thru this now
Same thing happened to me Titus!!!
It was Romans 11 that caught my attention, where Paul talks about the Gentiles being grafted into the Jewish olive tree. And I wondered why I had never heard a sermon on Romans 11, neither in the Catholic church in which I grew up, nor in an evangelical or Pentecostal-type church. So I began doing some digging on my own. One Sunday I came home from church and looked in the yellow pages to look for a church that wasn’t so large as the one I’d been attending, as I found it almost impossible to get to know anyone. Under the ‘B’ in the yellow pages, I found a Messianic congregation …. and the ad said it was a congregation of Jews and Gentiles together. That was my beginning in a Messianic atmosphere. I have learned SO much in the last 10 years or so. A few years ago I wrote a book entitled ‘GRAFTED IN the Jewish Olive Tree.’ It is available on Amazon.
Paul is talking spiritual Israel not physical HEBREWS, you need to get saved because tou are not u derstanding the spiritual things of God, you still have a carnal mind set, you need to repent from this false HERETICAL teaching and believe the gospel, so your eyes can be opened.
Ephesians chapter 2 :8+9 you are saved by grace through faith and not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast.
Christopher you know so little. If you think this is so then Ha-Shem is a liar. No the ideology you speak of is a Lutherniasm that has done far more damage to the whole so called bridge between Christians and Jews. I find that I think it laughable when a Christian tries to tell me that I need to go to their meetings. The last time I did this I got to hear a sermon about evil Yakov stealing the birthright rightfully appointed to his Christian brother who was too interested in the evil mindset that if he didn’t have such an over dramatic way of living he could have had the lentils and his birthright. Yet you see the Christian mindset is so simple in it’s mis-direction of the truth that is revealed in Torah that it just shows how rudimentary such a way of thinking truly is. Forget this elect nonsense. It’s a term that people use like those who goose stepped and called themselves the Master Race they were the elect and the Jews were in terrible need of G-d’s justice and flames of the Shoah to give G-d a helping hand to destroy the evil Jew. The Eternal Jew who is like a plague to the people who think themselves in a standing that they have to use mental gymnastics to obtain such a thing while ignoring a whole set of scriptures that it is said from your people that Scripture cannot be spoken without it coming to pass or your idea of a great creator is lost to the ages. If the Jews could lose their Elect-ion what makes you think a Christian wouldn’t lose theirs from lying or sleeping with another woman or doing the million other things that they do when they say that the Old Testament and the Law itself is swept away and there is no sin because all of it has been forgiven therefore the said Christian can lie steal cheat and do whatever they want to do and it doesn’t matter they’re always the Elect. It’s funny this teaching actually proves to a educated Jew that this religion is nothing but a lot of double talk nothing worth close examination. Thank you . Oh by the way the one scripture that I find funny that all Christians get wrong is the verse they misquote saying anyman who hangs on a tree is cursed. That’s not the whole verse it says He who hangs on a tree overnight is cursed. Remember King David took down the body of King Shaul because he was hung also onto a tree after they killed him. Oh and by the way Haman wasn’t hung in the Persian court he was also crucified as well Persians invented the way of killing.
living water
1Corth.12:2 brethren you know that when you were Gentiles lead away with dumb idols,,
1Corth.10:20 the Gentiles sacrifice to Demons,not to God,,
1Thess.4:5 not in lust,even ad the Gentiles, which know not God,,
Matt.10:5 do not go to the Gentiles,but to the lost sheep of Israel.
1Peter4:3 you spent enough time doing the will of the Gentiles.,.
Gal.2:15 we who are Jews by nature,,and not Sinners of the Gentiles.
meaning of Gentile heathen, ,”pagan,,ungodly godless ,,Unholy,, out of Covenant ,,non-Christian non-jew,, Outsiders, strangers,,unclean,,common,, Darkness, dogs ,,swine,, out of Covenant,,
Rom.2:29 he is a Jew inwardly,,
Jews,brethren,, believers ,, royal priesthood. ,children of God ,,sons of God ,,olive tree ,,root,, Israel,, Christians, promise of Covenant, holy ,,godly,, children,, men of Israel, in Covenant,, grafted into Israel ,circumcision of the heart,,
Hello Maureen 🙏🙂 Im MARIA 🙂🙏Iv just read your .message and my hubby and I agree and seem to be on the same path you were on 10 years ago, but we are babies relearning the truth, Amen my husband and I have been on a journey of learning and seeking the truth the Narrow Road, we are in a country town Austrialia ,find it hard to fellow ship with any church’s that are not comprimising with the decievers world. It’s so hard, we have been praying for the right direction to go? We have just learnt this year pork is not Clean, and all the pagan traditions the churches accept, and we want know part of it any longer, participating in there buildings and being lead the wide PATH, we want to learn to be humble HONOUR and respect yeshua the way we were ment to in the BEGINING Amen Blessings
Really agree with him on not believing everything you’re told. Check it out for yourself.
I can totally relate Brother. I’m facing the same response from “Church” people. I stopped attending and I do Sabbath at home with my kids now. Unfortunately there are no Hebrew Roots followers here except myself so….yeah! Lol. but I love following you guys on youtube and Michael Rood. I’m learning daily.
bro we should link up
This could be my own story. My eyes were opened in July of this year by YHVH.
What is required to read and understand the letters, verses, words of the ToRaH (and the TeNaKH aka erroneously as “the Old Testament, although it never appears in the Hebrew text) is to use the more comprehensive approach of the “paRDeS” method, which is the Hebrew equivalent for the Greek word “Paradise”. PeSHaT, a dimension of literal and objective truth; ReMez, a dimension of allegory and poetic truth; DeRaSHa, the dimension of ethical and homiletic truth; and SoD, mystical, spiritual truth. It is also interesting to know, that in the ancient Hebrew language, one cannot find a word for “religion”, that speaks volumes. The word “ToRaH” should be translated as Teaching of Light, not the “law”. Blessings.
Mazel Tov!
My eyes are open. i finally know the truth i have been seeking for so long. No wonder i stopped going to church. Because i knew it wasn’t true. I’m Hebrew now.
Crystal Daughter of the sun That’s a shame
Crystal Daughter of the sun It must hurt to be that stupid
Get Out of the Matrix with
Torah and the gospel of my savior is life
Fitness Golds life time
Torah is a big part of the Gospel..
Excellent, its time now, Yeshua’s (Jesus) teachings to be put back on the right track. He was an observant Jew and followed commandments with the true spirit of Torah.
Research pagan holidays it’s scary.
Yes amen get every one’s attentions make them aware to the truth the Narrow Road Amen
Maria Skinner “Amen” as a word, even has its own pagan origins.
In other words Constantine was the first to start tickling the ears of Christians who want the reward of the kingdom without the obedience to the word. Olsteen,Jakes, Graham and the likes have just carried on the tradition.There is nothing new under the sun. The great falling away is in full effect
No mention of the Holy Spirit…who is the only one who can lead us to truth
Unashamed of Jesus
Amen…saw your comment on the very moment l thought to text it….rarely see that brought up!
Unashamed of Jesus
These are Judaizers…carnal souls.
Ben Joseph how are they Judaizers? They mentioned God and Yeshua aren’t they the same being? How can you say they haven’t mentioned the Holy Spirit when they have talked about God?
Nothing disappearing from the law
Please search out who CONSTANTINE is and what he believed!