This is an important message of how the Church is teaching a false gospel.


22 thoughts on “The Christian Reality…Deception

  1. POST 1
    Each Shabbat we recite the ‘Ayn K’Eloheyu’/ ‘There is None Like Our Elohim’. In this portion of the siddur, we ask, “Who is like our Deliverer?”/ “Me k’Mo-she-ay-noo?”As YHWH’s Salvation sets us up to Light the world in Torah-keeping out of love for HIM & our neighbor as ourselves, the enemy will come to stir up discord between the Deliverer (Moshe/ Yahushua ~ one greater than Moshe) & Rebellion (Miriam) WITH the light bringer (Aaron). Consider this carefully in your own life:

  2. POST 2
    Does the enemy stir up strife Btween yur Rebellion (in whatever area of life struggle it is for U) & YHWH’s Deliverer/ Yahushua by using the Light Bringer in yur life? Hunger 4 the meat of YHWH’s Instructions & the sod/ deeper hidden meaning W/In His Word is confused/ made desolate w/ a fleshly hunger 4 the food of Mitzrayim ~ ‘eating freely’ what we want when we want instead of what is nutritionally pre-Scribed in Shabbat-keeping in His order of Torah, Prophet, & Brit Chadasha portions.

  3. POST 3
    This also brings to mind a recent video this week on how there is a disturbing increase of ‘stirred discord’ between ‘the Deliverer/ Yahushua The Living Torah’ & ‘Rebellion/ Miriam’ w/ those that claim to be ‘light bringers/ Aaron’ in Christian pulpits.


    The excerpts R truly shocking& yet confirm what YHWH has warned will come in the Last Days2 those who R truly His Kedoshim/ Set Apart Ones who endure 2 The End as It Is Written in Rev. 14:12 by, “shomer-ing/ guarding to keep, observe& to do His Commandments (Torah) & the belief in Yahushua HaMoshiach.Watch here: The Christian Reality…Deception . One of the preachers featured was this couple’s Senior Pastor. Watch their testimony: Torah Couple Leaves Assemblies of God Church

  5. you are so so right in your reply!! Also if that is All people have to fallow … well what about not stealing? or not murdering? or lying? these are things that churches hold to and i haven’t heard a good argument in response!! 🙂 good response

  6. If you’re suppose to love your neighbor as yourself,why do churches take poor peoples children and get government funds?They don’t forgive those parents!God shows me scripture that he stands at the right hand of the poor against those who try to judge their soul.Denise T.

  7. good upload, I have made a clarification;

    the only christian, if indeed there is one in the picture provided by this video, would be the one who was in no way involved in the debate.

  8. you may disagree with this guy on several issues, but I think his point on Romans 3 (that the “christian church as well as torah observant messianics fall short” – and that salvation is only through Yeshuah) is quite well:

  9. keeping torah “only” or also doing “only” works of love/charity (like Christian tend to do) does not remove sin/guilt – only the blood of Yeshua, respectively faith (apart from mitzwot of torah) – faith in Yeshua who kept the torah perfectly… in his vid 14 he points out that nobody can boast – Yahweh’s understanding of salvation is complete different from our understanding! Learn from each other; that’s how we establish the Torah – love works are equaly important as well as Torah keeping.

  10. LOL @ 0:36 if that covenant would’ve been faultless… it is faultless and still intact 😉 just we people aren’t… that’s why Jesus/Yeshuah came, but that is not saying that all prior agreements are nullified…

  11. I’m grateful that I’m an Adventist, I believe in Jesus, the Saturday Sabbath, I keep the commandments, dietary laws and am preparing for Christs return.

  12. i was sda and that church is false sorry, theyre works are good but god would not accept works for salvation because faith in him saves only, good works have to be done with a true faith in christ not dead works

  13. For any person that believes we are NO longer to follow the law of our Creator.
    please answer me these following questions:
    Messiah says walk like I walked, not contrary to it, right or wrong?
    He was our example on how to live. Right or wrong?
    If he walked on this earth today, would he still obey the Father. Yes or No
    Is it not HE who lives in you. Yes or No

    If you are not walking like him, who are you following? because Paul says walk like me for I walk like Messiah.
    truth or false?

  14. Timothy 4v1 this is the doctrine of demons stay far away from this people…they r enemies of the cross of Jesus..trying to keep the law which is impossible to do…read timothy 4v1

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