The Messiah will be “cut off” but not for himself. The Messiah will eventually bring in everlasting righteousness. The Messiah will make reconciliation for iniquity; The Messiah is The Prophet who will be authenticated. It is the Messiah whose blood will “anoint the most holy” object on planet earth — the Ark of the Covenant. And it is HE, the Messiah who will confirm the Covenant that was made with his shed blood that will commence the last “shevua”. There is no doubt that an evil prince will come and place the Abomination that makes Desolate; that scenario is repeated several times in Daniel’s prophecies, by Yeshua himself, and by Shaul. Yochanan is the one who shows us when Abaddon / Apollyon / the Destroyer is finally revealed. But there is no “peace treaty with the antichrist” in the entirety of the Messianic prophesy of Daniel — it is the fabrication of one American author in the early 1970s and to this day it is presumptuously repeated by proponents of the secret rapture with unwavering conviction.
Join Michael Rood for this week’s Shabbat Night Live as he presents the seventh and last episode in "The Ark of the Covenant” series – "The Confirmation of the Covenant"
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