14 thoughts on “The Daylight Diet by Paul Nison

  1. Paul, you said in the video that human beings were not nocturnal – this can be disputed, can it not? Aren’t some people ‘wired’ to function better at night? I’ve heard some raw food advocates say that they function better at night, and like to sleep in until noon or so. Perhaps this ‘daylight diet rule’ applies to the majority of people rather than the entire species? Thank you. Daniel

  2. nice music in the bckground, cn you please stop talking Paul, i wanna listen to the music you play! Thanks! Your Child from the future 🙂 save our planet not misionate the world 🙂

  3. Your book The Raw Life inspired me to become vegan. I do strive to approach being fully raw, climbing up there gradually, right now between 60-75%. Anyways you told John Kohler aka Okraw regarding eating goat’s mlik/cheese, “Why would I NOT eat it?” Wouldn’t that be because they aren’t living cells? Thx.

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