Some friends and I went to our favorite spot to do some open-air preaching. Some people didn't like hearing the truth but we gave it to them anyway.
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you met a whitch eh….sanitaria! lol
Wow Paul. That was intense
+kevindrake714 The demons don’t like to hear the truth
I believe that fully! Its hard when people have demons inside them and you are speaking straight to their demons. They get angry, I was the same once.
+The Health Watchman Amen Paul nison for standing up for the Truth you cast that demon away like nothing cause you rebuked it in Yeshua name all the Glory be to Yahweh
+The Health Watchman I do not believe babbling cased out demon cause its cultic it was never from the True Holy Ghost cause True Speaking in Tongue is when the Holy Ghost gives you the ability to speak another language from another country that you don’t know or understand
Love it Paul! Great job! YHWH bless you!!
Awesome results for our awesome Yah!!!
What does Zach have to say about this?
A drunkard is not one who gets drunk,but one who turns his life to be a drinker.
Anyways,you’re doing a beautiful job,Paul.
YAH b less you double portion.
AWESOME!! May the Lord continue to fill you with His Spirit!!
Paul your messages all the time are good every time 🙂
You are blessed.
How many “christians ” did you meet out there, that were getting drunk, or said they were gay also?
The lady Elizabeth, was great! She was spot on, helping other women. Sometimes a guy is just in the way of that Spiritual flow. where the ladies are talking and working it out. Amen Sister!
Hi Paul, that was great.–Kim
The Lord said we will know them by the fruit they produce!
God bless you all and your ministry.
amen paul.
Nice Job! Now next time cast those demons out in the name of Yeshua – that ‘s 1/3 of the great commission Matthew 10 and Mark 6: 7-13
Love you brother Paul. You have inspired me to grow out my beard.
keep obey the Holy Ghost Paul and doing the will of Yahweh
“If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.”
― Charles Haddon Spurgeon
wonderful preaching work sister
Bro Paul.Yahweh protect you everyway
Yes Sir demons don’t want to know about Good News Hallelujah Amen.đź’’ God Bless you guys heaps.🙏.