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The Hebrew Scriptures detail the building of a great temple under the direction of King Solomon of Israel, the wisest man on earth. The Temple was built as a place to house the Ark of the Covenant. To make provision for the Ark's safe keeping, Solomon constructed a sand-hydraulic elevator in the Most Holy Place. The emergency escape route and the stone sarcophagus in which the Ark was hidden during Nebuchadnezar's siege were recently discovered in the elaborate tunnel system that honeycombs Mount Moriah – the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Prepare for a Rood Awakening! as Michael Rood takes you on a whirlwind adventure in this fast paced video presentation, "The Great Secret of Solomon's Temple and the Hiding of the Ark of the Covenant."

This is Michael's "signature work", the teaching that details the hiding of the Ark of the Covenant, and the Ark's importance in the fulfillment of the Feast of Passover – a shadow of good things to come. This is the abbreviated introduction to Michael's 13-hour video teaching extravaganza: "The Prophecies in the Spring and Fall Feasts of the LORD" – the 26 episode Bible Prophecy 101 and 201 series.

This multimedia seminar has changed the lives of countless thousands around the globe. You will never be the same after you experience the plan of the Almighty in bringing His salvation to the world!

(This particular teaching was re-uploaded with some fixes that were noticed, Enjoy!)

Copyright – A Rood Awakening!
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Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
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215-25 Hollis Avenue, Suite 101
CP: 11429 Queens Village (U.S.A.)
Tel: (347) 395-4422


For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…