What we find in this letter from the Apostle Paul to the believers in Corinth is that strife had risen up among the assembly over which teacher was better than the other and which teacher someone followed, turning it into a status issue. If Paul were here today and observed the strife and division among some of us, would he be wondering why things haven’t changed in the last 2,000 years? Would he need to be committed and put in a ‘rubber room’? What Paul had to address was that the people were boasting in men and how they may have arrived in some understanding that they judged others not to have. This kind of attitude is a condition of the heart and is not acceptable in the body of Messiah. If there is any boasting to be done, Paul says boast in YHVH/Yeshua.
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some day the body will receive the validity of 1 Corinthians 12:20-27, Pastor Mark Biltz is different than you but you’re equally of the same when all is considered!!!!!!!!
Soo thankful for these video’s as I was some tired by this teaching 🙂 Not sure I could ever convey what a blessing Abba has given my family through you and MTOI.