Starting in the letter to the Ephesians Rabbi Steve Berkson points us to the fact that the Apostle Paul was trying to help the believers in Ephesus that even with what Messiah Yeshua accomplished in His death, burial and resurrection there is still an “expectation” to abide by the covenant with the Creator that was laid out in Exodus chapter 19, (paraphrasing) “If you diligently follow my words, I will take you as my people and bless you more than you can know.” Rabbi Steve helps us to understand that we don’t have to “understand” every thing that we are required to do, but that in the doing we will begin to understand. We should have an attitude like Abraham in that whatever YHVH told him to do, even to the sacrificing of his son, he said, “Here Am I!” In Hebrew, hineni. This is what Rabbi Steve calls, “a ‘Trusting’ Obedience.”
In this teaching Rabbi Steve explains thoroughly the famous passage found in chapter 2 and verses 8-10. Throughout this teaching the word grace is defined and explained as to whether it is “unmerited favor” or “merited favor”. Are we really saved (delivered) by unmerited favor? What are the “good works” that were prepared beforehand? What is “the Torah of the commands in dogma”? Rabbi Steve brings clarity to these seemingly unclear and difficult sayings of Paul.
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Related Teachings:
Are You Saved?
The Search for the Doctrine of Grace
What Would Yeshua Do?
INfocus – Fear & Doubt vs Faith & Belief
I love your teachings Rabbi Steven. When I first listened to your teachings last year I had a hard time because my heart wasn’t ready to hear, but Elohim knew how to get me to that place of hearing his word. thank you for being an obedient servant may the Lord richly reward you for your faithfulness.