Microwave Not Healthy

If you care about your health you need to get rid of your microwave and stop watching so much T.V. In this video I explain so practical things you can do to improve your health.


30 thoughts on “The MIcrowave Oven Is From The Devil

  1. Paul I told my pastor about the Pagan Origins of christ-mass and the evergreen tree and he got so mad he almost ended our mentor ship program…

    • It’s fear. When people hear something different then what they were taught, they become fearful..be patient and tell them with a loving spirit

    • BrotherErickDMarquez , my dear, i am not going from 3 years in a building named church. I also told 2 years ago via WhatsApp to a pastor about christ/mass and easter and other things , was mad, and our conversation on WhatsApp was finished with his words , , it’s late, it’s enough, i’m going to sleep”.
      So, don’t worry, mind of your business and walk with Yahshua and let him be how he want to be. Maybe Yahshua will open his heart, mind, eyes, ears

    • Why be in a mentor program with someone who gets upset with that level of truth? What other “church / mans doctrine” will you learn over what scriptures literally says?

  2. Paul I would love to know more of torah it’s hard for me to understand it and I’m trying .I ask for the spirit to guide me and help me understand but I can’t remember anything 🙁 please let me know what to do I want to walk acording to our wonderful creator

    • Ask Yahshua to put His Mind of Messiah in you and do whatever He says, by His Holy Spirit He will remind you of everything He says … It is written… Shalom

    • Paul Daystar. Bless you 10 fold. I am 58 and was having a very hard time remembering scripture and i did ask and not only did he help my memory, i can quote it with the book closed. The Lord let me know that the spirit will bring back all things he told us. Its true people that he can do all things, ask in heart felt prayer and get your mind blessed. Glory to our creator.

  3. yes! this made me feel better about not having microwave or TV. Kids at my school always ask “me what do you DO with your life?? How do you cook your food?  do you live in a cave or something??”  NO ACTUALLY I LIVE IN A HOUSE

    • Yeah I know.. you cook your food with a stove or oven silly people.. you’re not suppose to be using a microwave to cook your food all the time. I only use the microwave to heat up leftovers if I’m in a hurry. So, I hardly use my microwave.
      And there’s books! and playing outside (if you’re a kid), there’s a fun arcade at the mall or something.. etc.. you can do A LOT with your life other than television.
      I agree with you, btw.

  4. Nice teaching. After my dad listened to a radio program about a decade ago that said microwaved foods will kill you and destroy all nutritional value, I stopped using it. It was amazing how much better I felt only after a month of not using it. But lately I’ve been lazy and have used it a couple times in the past month. I ALWAYS feel sick as a dog after eating something that was microwaved. Don’t use a microwave!

  5. HalleluYah, Dear Brother Paul! You encourage me in my life to make the choices and changes that lead to true health! May, Yah’weh, strengthen, protect, provide and bless you and your family abundantly! 💕💕💕🎶🎶💕🎶🌻Todah, Dear Brother

  6. is frozen food ok…? I live in Germany, they have a lot of those “bio”stores and I’m too lazy to cook/prepare my meal, so i just throw it into the heating oven and eat my oven food

  7. „Put something green in your body every day, and I’m not talking about green M&Ms!“
    I like your humor a lot, sir.
    God bless you and your family!

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