The yoke of oppression- fear, worry, addiction, whatever presses down on your shoulders- will be broken because of the weight of the anointing. The Word of God tells us we have received an anointing from the Holy one. Beloved, you can break off everything in your life that is keeping you in bondage. Jesus said if you continue in my word, you will know the Truth and the truth will make you free, if the son sets you free you will be free indeed. Don't stop a quarter of the way up the mountain- His desire is for us to be free of EVERY yoke! Jesus is the anointing and we have received Him. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom! Freedom and liberty is your portion, don't settle for less. Know that day by day you are being changed, keep your eyes set on Him.
Isaiah 10 27
7 thoughts on “The Pressure is Broken”
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HalleluYAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What a word!
I too must become a crushed olive. A seed is only useful if it is either planted or eaten.
Thank you for explaining the YOKE because I never knew what was meant by that word in the context of the Bible! Shalom, amen, and Praise the Lord!
You are annointed! God bless. 🙂
Thanks for this word. I just sent a prayer request in to the DJJ email yesterday & this seed of revelation speaks directly to my request. AMEN!!!!
Thank you Rabbi for those uplifting words.
I’m striving to stand on this Word Rabbi Schneider! The enemy has been relentlessly bombarding me with major anxiety and anguish. Please keep me in your prayers.