The Second Reformation: Beyond Luther's 95 Theses
Part 3 – Nicolaitanism – The Doctrine and Deeds the Messiah Hates With A Passion

The term “Judaizing” cannot be used of those who promote obedience to the Torah, but to those who adhere to the "takanot" (the man-made laws) enacted by the rabbis – and to those who negate the commandments in favor of "grace".

Watch this video – part 3 of an 8-part series… and join the SECOND reformation!

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10 thoughts on “The Second Reformation – The Doctrine and Deeds the Messiah Hates with a Passion – Part 3 of 8

  1. You are so right Michale 🙂 here is GOD’S word to back it up. Psalm 97:10Names of God Bible (NOG)

    10 Let those who love Yahweh hate evil.
    The one who guards the lives of his godly ones
    will rescue them from the power of wicked people.
    Names of God Bible (NOG)
    The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.
    May YAHWEH please bless you and keep you , make HIS face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you HIS peace.
    Thank you for standing up telling people the truth of what GOD’S word says and letting us all know the historical back ground that is so pertinate in understanding our Bibles. You are a true Levite. GOD bless you.

  2. You can cover up a hateful heart with all the fine sounding righteousness you want, you have zero love. Why would anyone want to be in Heaven with you for 5 minutes. Find love and peace dude, everybody but you is not going straight to hell.

  3. Can anyone of you who are speaking negative of Michael find any fault in the message. Because he isn’t charismatic like other people? I prefer the way he delivers the message. Most of you think Paul from the New Testament was charismatic. Paul and Michael deliver the message the same way.

  4. All of this makes perfect sense to me. Not because I want to be negative towards anyone, but because I have experienced how the structure of present day Church does not work. For a while, I felt very lost because churches rejected me for a variety of reasons, and I felt as if I were homeless spiritually. Couldn’t help but wonder if that is what Jesus meant when He said He really didn’t have anywhere to lay his head. There are things the Spirit of God has revealed to me that God really hates—-and I mean right now– that Churches are doing. However, the good news is that the Lord helped me see that it is He I must depend on above everything else, and to forgive those who got it wrong. SO, while I do agree with these teachings, let’s not forget to forgive the ones who are in error, ok? Blessing brother Michael. I love your warrior spirit, and your boldness in Yeshuah. Love and blessings abundantly be yours. Brother Harold.

  5. I’ve learned so much from Michael Rood. TONS. Right now, one of the biggest things I’m chewing on is what to do with a “witness”. In this case a “witness” is something said about another. I’ve learned this from Michael… well actually from the scriptures because it was the scriptures that were opened up and the Ruach that opened my eyes.

    This has freed me up to know what to do with those that say this and say that about anyone… including Michael. So far I’ve found no one with a first hand account of something fraudulent with Michael (not that I’m looking). And until I find two witnesses of the same account… two first hand witnesses, sorry, this man’s fruit is good.

    NOW we’re applying the scripture to real life instead of the tithe robbing personal development and growth seminars that are preached every Sunday morning in between fog lamps and laser light shows.

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