Down through the ages the expression of man’s ingenuity and intellect in the realm of science shows the undeniable inventiveness and creativity inspired by God. But there is a war between science and religion. There are not many people who understand the roots of this war now raging in our culture. The roots of this battle are to deny the trustworthiness of God's word. It's not about science versus religion. It’s about can God be trusted in every area of life.

The Bible starts by talking about creation, biology, geology and cosmology. Jesus himself said, if you can't believe me when I speak of worldly things, how will you believe me when I talk of heavenly things. He connects the two. It’s simple, yet powerful. In today’s world, the battle is over the trustworthiness of God's word versus science.

Join Michael Rood and his guest, Scientist Bruce Malone as he explains how this truth has an impact on us today and makes a difference and changes lives. You will learn how to navigate this path between science and religion.


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