Nurse Tom Fisher was cured from stage 4 cancer with the raw vegan diet.
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Music by Joseph Israel
Thanku. What were helpful menus did u eat in the beginning overcoming Cancer? Did u surgically remove ur tumor or did the tumor just slowly went away ? Were the doctors surprised at ur recovery? How did they wean or remove ur medications because u were getting better and better?
Great info. Thanks for sharing 💕🙏
The 2 reasons most people don’t try alternative methods when diagnosed with cancer are.
#1: The doctors tell the patient they have a good chance of survival, if they follow they’re medical procedures.
#2: Many of the people that want to try alternative methods cannot afford it. Insurance policies will not cover non AMA approved medical procedures.
patrick4865 you are so right
I hear a lot of people with cancer talk about changing their diet and feeling better but how about the healing crisis where you feel worse before you feel better?