Joseph could no longer control his feelings in front of his attendants and cried, "Get everybody away from me !" So no one else was with him when Joseph revealed to his brothers who he was. Genesis 45:1
8 thoughts on “Torah Portion #11 Vayigash (Genesis) 44:18-47:27”
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Haftarah this week Ezekiel 37:15-28
Thank you so very much for sharing Torah with us. It is like we are together hearing the Work…so wonderful. Thank you, Blessings be on you and your family.
I meant to say hearing the Word.
Should I get the One New Man Bible or the Complete Jewish Bible ? Why ?
Thanks in advance Paul :]
I see Joseph as a shadow picture of the first and second advent of Yeshua. First coming as the suffering servant to Potiphar before having his robe torn and imprisoned. When he comes back after “two full years” (Genesis 41:1), he returns as the savior and practical ruler of the world.
What I found very interesting in all this was the “two full years” that’s in between the advents. Looks like this could be a prophetic foreshadowing of the two thousand years awaiting for the return of Yeshua.
I’ve been using the CJB for a few years now. I really like it. Reads very nicely and uses their Hebrew names/cities/etc. I just picked up The Scriptures version too
thank you, Paul, for your clear explanation of the scripture, it is such a joy to study with you….
Thank you so much, Paul!