This is the first Torah Portion in the book of Leviticus and talk about the 5 different types of offerings.
The complete book of Leviticus took place at Mt. Sani.
The Purpose of Leviticus is an instruction for the priests and Levites outlining their duties in worship. How to perform their duties, hot to be educated regarding Yah's sacrifices, laws, etc. It is a guidebook of holy living for community of Israel.
The word "Leviticus" means, "that which pertains to the Levites.
The theme of the book are the requirments to be set apart to YHWH
The overwhelming message of Leviticus is the holiness of Our Creator,
"you must be holy because I, Yahweh your God is holy -Leviticus 19:2
Holiness in mentioned more times (152) than in any other book of the Bible.
Todah!!! Thank you Michael.
YAH please help me get it right, in Yahushua Ha Mashiachs Name, by Thy Ruach Ha Kadosh, as I learn and draw closer.
Thanks Brother Paul for helping us understand, unlearn false stuff/teachings and get back to TRUTH OF THE TORAH asYahushua lived it and IS and did teaches us, too.
Shalom Paul, is the 3rd temple you speak of going to be like the ones ran by the Levitical Priesthood? And would you actually visit the temple? I’m just wondering how you all do things now. Thanks
Shalom. It talks in the Scriptures how it will be. I’ll do a future teaching about it and the exact verses. It’s on my list.
You are helping my husband and I in the United States, the State of New Jersey. We are married and 25 years old. I prayed to Jesus to lead me to the truth and some how I ended up here. Your ministry is great, please accept us here. I am doing everything I can to repent and follow Jesus. I am broken and so sorry and would be love to be taught the word of God the way God and Jesus wants me to learn it. I have been to lots of churches and I just want to know the truth, I want to be with Jesus
Shalom Paul. Thank you so much for this very very interesting teaching. I had never really given the different sacrifices much thought as I didn’t think they really applied to me. Thank you for showing me how wrong I was.
Thank you for taking the time to study and post this. Your videos are always a pleasure!
Shalom Paul, What is the significance of the 3rd temple? Why would animal sacrifices start again? If the Messiah Yahshua has paid with the blood then why would we go back to the original covenant and do animal sacrifices? Todah
I have been watching your videos via my TV and as a result I have not commented. I wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU!!! I like so many in your videos have been led to follow the real appointments from the Torah and turn my back on the pagan customs of the church. This is Yahweh’s movement and at first although I tried, I simply gave up due to lack of instruction but he would not let me quit. I have grasped a nugget here and there but I have found your site the most helpful. I truly understand now what he means by the narrow path because learning exactly how to celebrate and honor his appointments is really difficult to find. I absolutely love how you are going through Leviticus and explaining it in detail, it’s as if all my bits of information come flowing back and make perfect sense. I cannot wait to finish Leviticus and start the others.
3rd temple?? But here it is more than a temple.. We got the temple of the Spirit in each regenerated heart! Going back to the levitical system, mortar, stones and blood sacrifices is against the new covenant.. Why people would want to go back to the laws and commands that were not good and gave no life? (Ezek.20,25)
I believe we are not under the levitical system, thus under the book of the law added after the breach of the Covenant by the golden calf sin.. We’re not under this law any more but we’re back to the Melchizedek order of the Torah and our High Priest governs each member of His Body directly as Jer.31 and Ezek.36 says. To reestablish the levitical order is against the finished work of Messiah.. No need for the 3rd temple unless you got a problem with Yeshua’s authority..
Also Ezekiel had a vision and it was not levitical temple.. it doesn’t have to be literal.. The 3rd temple and blood sacrifices may serve nwo agenda.. It is part of the great deception.
+michal mazur There will be a 3rd temple built according to Revelation because the antichrist will set himself in it and declare that he is God.They will also have the daily sacrifices because the antichrist will eventually put an end to them just before he declares himself as God from the temple.
michal mazur
11/15/16: The Jewish ppl have been brought back into the land from the diaspora; but, MOST are in unbelief that YESHUA is the messiah. The MAJORITY did not ( when HE walked the earth) accept HIM nor do MOST accept HIM today. Before YESHUA hung HIS head & died, HE said, ” IT IS FINISHED” and the curtain in the temple was ripped from top to bottom. Well, the Jewish priests sewed the curtain back together and CONTINUED the sacrifices. And, they WILL build the 3rd temple and start the animal sacrificing AGAIN. Remember the book of Romans tell us that, for the most part, blindness have been given to them, UNTIL “the fullness of the Gentiles be come in” and then ALL ISRAEL SHALL E SAVED.
The 3rd temple will be built and I believe AFTER the Rapture of the church.
I think levitical system is not an original covenant but it is the imposed, added system AFTER the breaking of the covenant.. The Sinai Covenant was broken after about 40days and after they that the levitical system, plan B, was introduced but it wasn’t the original Covenant but the added, imposed license to spare their lives.. Covenant takes an offer, acceptance, blood ratifying and a covenant meal.. and we got all of it in Ex.24 first few verses but then something is added … Bit no one can add to the ratified covenant.. except the covenat got nullified…
Love you brother. What congregation do you attend? Also I hear so much flack for my beard, it’s a little patchy do you have any suggestions? Thanks
But didn’t the sacrifice of Yahusha fulfill the portion of the Torah of the blood sacrifice? So His sacrifice not only allows him to remarry His bride but ‘closes the door’ on the need for future blood sacrifices….
Also the Vav in the ‘original format’ is used as a vowel sound that of oooo like the sound made of the word shoe (long O) and when you have a Hey on the end of the word it’s essentially ‘silent’ so you have the sound of ah (like when you blow out a breath that sound made ah. Which is significant for YAHUAH breathed life into Adams nostril using that aahhhh sound.
So then you’ve actually got Yah – hooo- aaahhh as a pronunciation- the letters mean loads they also ‘stand for’ behold the nailed hand –
And when Mosheh renamed Husha after he returned from the 40 day ‘spy trip’ only he and Kalev believed they could defeat the inhabitants of the land – then Mosheh renamed Husha (the son of Nun) to Yahusha for salvation the same name that Miriam is commanded to give Yahusha (which translates to Joshua not to Jesus)..but anyway lol sorry for all that