Michael Rood welcomes Bill Cloud of Shoreshim Ministries. God wants us to partake of His holiness. Sometimes He squeezes us, not harshly but firmly, in order that what is on the inside will come to the outside. Some of it is good and some of it is not so good. God doesn't do this to destroy or to demean, but He is doing it for our benefit.
In comparison to what the Creator is calling us to do in this day and time, it’s easy to give up shrimp cocktails, ham on Easter and wrapping Christmas presents. If we can control our appetite for physical things, we also need to learn to control our appetite for things far more deadly than a ham sandwich.
God works through people and he perfects those he has chosen. It’s time for us to become a people unlike the world has ever seen or will ever see again. Today, God chooses you and I to come into the kingdom for such a time as this.
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He correct how distorted the council is of those who rule over the churches and such. Not right. Pretty bad when enemies of the western nations live more righteously before the Father than we do. Could even answer the question of what happens to our nations as they will be wiped out like Sodom and Gomorrah. Or as the day of Noah. Both examples all the wicked were destroyed without a trace. Cities destroyed by fire not hard to see what brings such destruction. The larger side percentages of human race destroyed.Doubt there be much left of North America personally.
In any case I enjoyed this video. Will check his other stuff out.
Good message and much needed today. I would like to hear Bill teach on the subject of the feast and on Yom Turuah / Day of Trumpets in detail.
I get what he saying citing the verses he wants to emphasis , that all of us who believe in following Yeshua’s footsteps must humble ourselves before our almighty Yehova and HE will be the One who will deliver His people from unrighteousness …….but this “deliver” of Yehova’s message has kept his listeners none the wiser as to what Yehova intends them to do. Yehova uses people regardless of whether they are His followers or not to perform acts to achieve His objectives. So should Mr. Cloud’s audience stay prayerful and not expected to support that “man with the red cap” or that “ugly man- woman” and just let matters take its course???!
Should they not pray that Yehova will guide and ultimately transform the standing president to do HIS will to pave the way to that significant day when Jerusalem , Yehova’s chosen city , become the fulcrum to usher in the imminent return of Yeshua to gather His people and deliver His righteous judgement ?