Inflammatory Bowel Disease
It is my passion to help people heal from every disease, but since I personally suffered from Inflammatory Bowel Disease, I have an extra special passion to help people get well who suffer from this dreadful illness.
I finally completely my new website about healing inflammatory bowel disease. Please share it with anyone you know who has Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease
i had the diseases with poly.H virus. Doctor put me on 2 antibiotic and antacid for 14 days which made my digestive system weaker. now i m in soft food. whenever i have soft food i m ok but tried little chunk rice and chicken, my stomach starts to pain somehow. and feel me weak energy less. always i have same type of soft food all the time like brown rice, mung lentil, carrot, spinach little cumin and turmeric. everything pressure cooked. and these i m eating with probiotic yogurt. can you suggest me anything to heal me faster and to get more energy. usually i get energy drowned in the morning time.
thank you in advance.
I am always hungry, and I sleep poorly , also its created arthritis in joints, I need Vit D , AND Supplements everyday, I am lacking these D vitamin.
Deborah definition, a prophetess and judge of Israel. Judges 4, 5. See more.