Bible teacher Lex Meyer deposes the myth that the Torah is only for Jewish people. Lex Meyer has been a Christian for many years and is now a Torah observant, Messianic, blogger teaching others about the Hebrew roots of our faith.
Please pass this video to every Christian. They need to know the truth!!!
Check out Lex's site
Im simply amazed at some of these recent comments, quoting one verse out of context to try to justify lawlessness.
ShepperdOneill Are you justified by the law?
Let’s just get down to brass tacks…Law is torah, torah means instructions. Torah is not JUST the Sinai covenant, it is the ENTIRE first five books of the Bible as well-even the stories about people who lived before the Sinai experience. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Enoch, Cain, etc-all part of torah, all were born before the covenant at Mt Sinai was given…
Even this guy (not Lex, the other guy) points out that “torah” (law) means instructions. You know this.
Did Jesus and the apostles give instructions? yes they did. Were they the same as the Torah (the Old Testament)? Yes because let’s take the food laws for example….
Leviticus 15:31 tells us exactly who keeps food laws and why. Not the nations around, and not people without a temple of God in their midst. animals that were called “unclean” he says “these will be an abomination TO YOU”. Not to anyone else. Why? Because Leviticus 11-15 which include ALL of the purity laws which included, but was not limited to animals, and with the actual reason they were not allowed to eat them is in Leviticus 15:31. You can look it up, but the reason these laws were given were not because these animals would make you sick and not because they were not food for other people and not because some of them are the vacuum cleaners of the earth or don’t sweat out their toxins or any of the other nonsense that I and others who were formerly Hebrew Roots use to say, but for one reason:
These laws also included women on their monthly cycle and women who recently gave birth and people with open sores like leprosy and anyone who recently had discharge etc. Yet I don’t see anyone barring women from entering the congregation or accusing them of being unclean and impure or soon after having a baby telling them they are unclean or anyone stopping women who are on their period from entering the congregation. Are these women unclean in and of themselves? I am going to hope your answer is no. These things were an ILLUSTRATION for a future time that had to do with EXTERNAL REGULATIONS UNTIL THE TIME OF REFORMATION. (see Hebrews 9:10) remember that Hebrews is written to a HEBREW audience. the word “reformation” has been translated from “diorthosis” which means:
1. Ammendment
2. Improvement
3. Reformation
So don’t act like it’s lawlessness to eat animals that were only considered “set apart” for an age, UNTIL the reformation which is an amendment and improvement to the former time. It’s lawlessness to misinterpret the torah itself by not not being aware of what it actually says and accusing others of being lawless when what Paul said straightforward about all creatures being good and acceptable with the word of God and prayer (the word of God being that he KNEW WHY the foods were once not to be eaten, but were now ok due to the reformation and due to Leviticus 15:31) and why Jesus said that nothing a man puts in his body makes him unclean. He meant what he said. The animals themselves are not unclean! They were an abomination to ISRAEL because the temple was in their midst. They were not an abomination before that or after that because Noah could eat all creeping things that creep on the ground and no, remes is not limited to sea creatures and if we want to get technical, the septuagint actually translated remes as “reptiles” and either way, reptiles were also forbidden under the Sinai covenant, but not for Noah.
Jesus gave instructions! The apostles gave instructions! So when Jesus says “you who practice lawlessness” you should read this as: You who do not follow the instructions of God and in case you missed it-the instruction of God was that certain animals were not to be sacrificed or eaten UNTIL the time of reformation BECAUSE the temple was in their midst. SO Jesus and the apostles did NOT teach against torah and yet they taught that man can eat all animals as food.
Do you understand?
If not, read Leviticus 11-15 paying close attention to the end of Leviticus 15 and verse 31 which tells us WHY all of these purity laws were necessary.
Then read Hebrews 9 paying close attention to Hebrews 9:10.
If you are really torah observant, then understand what the torah says-the TORAH says that all foods/all animals are clean UNLESS you were living in the area of the temple.
I don’t know if you realize this, but the tabernacle and temple are gone. And just because Paul said that we are the temple now, does NOT mean that every OT law applies to your body because if that’s the case, then how do women even live with themselves being unclean in their own temple after childbirth or during their monthly cycle! They would be a walking abomination!
My gosh. I hate to get riled, but I was Hebrew Roots and I noticed these things myself in the Torah and when I asked about them no one had a good answer, because there is no good answer than the OBVIOUS answer which I just explained.
There are many more answers like this to all of the laws that the New Testament says we don’t need to keep, so how do people who claim to and brag that they read the “whole word of God” miss these things?
I don’t know. I WAS reading the whole word of God and I noticed them and I got out of Hebrew Roots.
Reasons Why Jesus Christ Has Become Our Sabbath Rest
The Sabbath was a command given specifically to Israel.
There is no biblical record whatsoever of anybody keeping the Sabbath prior to Exodus 16 (Neh. 9:13-14). Even after they received the full-blown Sabbath command (Ex. 20:8-11), Israel who often condemned the sins of her pagan neighbors, never criticized their violation of the Sabbath.
The Sabbath was part of God’s ceremonial law and not grounded in His unchanging character.
The Sabbath was a ceremonial law given specifically to Israel, not grounded in God’s unchanging nature. Similar to the entire old covenant, it has been fulfilled and brought to completion in Christ (Mt. 5:17). If David had a right to make an exception in the ceremonial law, Jesus had more (Mt. 12:1-8; c.f 5:21-48). Even Jesus said,” The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath” (Mk. 2:27). Moreover, He called Himself the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Lk. 6:5).
The Sabbath was the sign of the Old Covenant
(Ex. 31:16-17; Neh. 9:14; Eze. 20:12). Because we are now under the New Covenant we are no longer under obligation to keep the Old Covenant, particularly the sign of the Old Covenant. The writer to the Hebrews remarked, “When He said, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear” (Heb. 8:13).
The New Testament nowhere commands Christians to observe the Sabbath.
The church is warned of many sins in the New Testament, but breaking (or observing) the Sabbath is never mentioned. The book of Acts mentions the Sabbath nine times, never once as a day of worship for Christians. If anything, the Apostle Paul rebuked the Galatians for attempting to add the observance of days to the sufficiency of Christ’s work for salvation (Gal. 4:9-11). The church even changed their day of worship from Saturday (the Jewish Sabbath) to Sunday (the Lord’s Day) (Ac. 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2) to show that a new order had been erected with the resurrection of Christ (Jn. 20:1, 19).
Jesus Christ through His redemptive work regained the Sabbath that Adam lost.
Jesus Christ came to complete a redemptive work (Jn. 4:34; 5:36) by restoring the rest that was forfeited in the Garden. In following the same pattern for the first creation, Jesus Christ began the work spoken of in Genesis 3:15 (c.f. Gen. 1:3). He completed the work on the cross (Jn. 17:4; 19:30; c.f. Gen. 1:5). The work was met with God’s satisfaction by the resurrection and ascension of Christ (Rom. 1:3-4; Gen. 1:4) leading again to divine rest (Heb. 10:11-12; c.f. Gen. 2:1-3).
The Sabbath was a sign that pointed to something greater.
Like much of the Old Testament, the Sabbath pointed to Jesus Christ. The Old Testament Sabbath preached the gospel when it called for faith and a cessation of work (Rom. 4:4-5). We dishonor our Savior when the signs still receive the preeminence that He alone deserves. Now that Jesus is here, the signs have become obsolete (Heb. 8:13). The Apostle Paul said, “Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day–things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ” (Col. 2:16-17). Jesus is the new Joshua that leads God’s children to a greater Promised Land of rest (Mt. 1:21). Jesus is the new Sabbatical Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-10) that provides a greater cancellation of debts (Lk. 4:18-19).
Jesus Christ has now become the Sabbath rest for Christians under the New Covenant.
God has completed His work of the new creation. Christians are the first fruits of that creation (2 Cor.. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). Our rest, as it was enjoyed by Adam everyday, has again been restored. During this life we still deal with some remnants of the curse, but we recognize our rest in Christ (from meritorious works) through faith and daily worship (Col. 3:17). Due to His redemptive work, He has become our Sabbath rest. Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Mt. 11:28-30; c.f. Heb. 4:1-11).
The Christian’s ultimate Sabbath rest will be enjoyed in heaven
(Rev. 14:13; c.f. 14:11). Though we currently rest in Jesus Christ under the New Covenant, our supreme Sabbatical rest will be realized in heaven where we will enjoy the ultimate rest in the culmination of God’s new creation (Rev. 21:4; 22:1-2) away from the curse in the direct presence of the Lamb (Rev. 22:3).
Hi I am a Christian and I listened to the whole video. God is leading me on the path of truth concerning his Torah, Sabbath and festivals and I just wanted to let you know I was truly edified. God is raising up a generation of Christians who will no longer walk in the deception of our generation but seek after his kingdom and his truth. God bless you.
@ LILYoftheVALLEYdiary Even though it has been some time, I will Praise Yah for He has touched you and blessed you.
You are obsoletely right
He brought me in last night… So beyond grateful. God bless you! From saved to sanctified. Here I come!
Brother Jonathan, I partially agree with you, the keeping of the Torah is not hard, it impossible, there ain’t one Jew in this world keeping all of the Torah, and if it was, they can move their chair next to Christ and rule with him. The law was meant to be impossible to keep to point out the love of the farther thru his son Jesus, and if u reject the chief cornerstone and live under the law then u will become a slave and the law will be your task master, I prefer to be a slave for Jesus Christ
so you calling God a liar when he said it s not too hard for us well done blasphemer
I disagree totally…. Yes, we can keep it and it is foolish to say God would give us impossible Commandments that we cannot keep…. Yes we can keep them until they get in our way, that’s when we break them….
Are you telling me you cannot go one day without bowing down to an idol or stealing, lying or murdering someone?…. If you can’t, you have a bigger problem than God’s laws…. You can’t get through the day without lusting after your neighboir’s spouse?…. Wow….. The one people have the problem with is #4 the Sabbath Day when God tells you to rest…. You cannot rest for one day?….
+Bill Evans Muslims keep it
Law was for the Israelites. It was like a school master. Jesus fulfilled the whole law. All of them. Have faith in Jesus Christ. The work to salvation was all done by him. We are saved by our faith. Not by any works. There is a whole book on gentiles now being under the law.
Jesus said, “If you love me keep my commandments.” So if we love Jesus then we must keep/obey the commandments. How can God judge us all in the end if He does not have His laws given? Remember, God is just.
Faith in Jesus is the way to heaven but your good works is evidence of your faith. You can’t have one without the other. They both naturally go together.
*17 “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”*
*-Revelation **12:17*
*4 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with*
*unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?*
*15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?*
*16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God* *hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.*
*17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean* *thing; and I will receive you.*
*18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.*
*4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of* *her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.*
*For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. -Revelation 18:4-5*
Iniquities are sins. What is sin? Sin is transgressing Gods law according to 1 John 3:4!
If Jesus came to save us from our sins (lawlessness), why would we continue to sin willfully?
Remember the woman that the Rabbi’s wanted to see stoned? Jesus showed her grace…but then Jesus said to go, and sin no more.
animaleyes 47 good works isnt torah. Its, I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me drink, etc. Cast out devils, heal the sick, etc. Not not eating pork or not shaving your beard on the side
I wanna keep torah but I don’t know how I am a Christian I believe in Jesus and I’m so confused about this but I believe in every word that was said
Axe at the root show me where God’s Law is bondage. Not mans laws, God,s Law.
Don’t confused you are not the under law but under grace your sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus… Read Galatians what Paul says if want keep law you are under curse…
How has been your walk so far, Carla?
A TRUE believer has the law ( Torah ) written in your heart. If this has not happened then you need to start questioning what salvation do you have.
WatchingMyLifeFlashB if you say so. I would take my time helping you but im sure you are set in your ways and it would profit nothing to write further than this. Be well.
+Luke 14:33 Shalom & Hallelujah!
Yeshua came to fulfilled the law it is written in our heart ,, Yeshua was Jew and He in us and we in Him Saved by His Grace we are all true Jew in spirit and truth.
Read the hole bible.
Jesus worked on the sabbath, that’s why the Jews was so furious and killed him because they said he trangressed the law. .
The Sabbaths and the feasts are only foreshadowing of what’s to come.
The spirit will guide you into ALL Truth when you ask him.
It’s impossible to understand this by your own .
Axe at the root
I obey Torah because I wanna journey towards Eternal life, for Messiah is our Goal (not end).
In the Old Testament Israelites freely saved by Yahovah’s grace. He delivered them from their house of bondage in Egypt. They were promised to inherit the Canaan. But, once they stepped out of their slavery, they were not in the Canaan immediately!! The redemption was FREE but they have to journey through wilderness in order to enter into promised land! Likewise, once we saved from our slavery to sin (by grace of course), we are still have to run the race toward our Promised Land which is our eternal life. We have to pursue it!
The law followed God’s gracious saving act of Israelites. Israel was meant to show their gratitude for God’s deliverance by obeying him and keeping his commands. This did not to save them – they were ALREADY saved!
In the same way today, we are ALREADY saved by believing what Christ has done on our behalf at calvary. We cannot save ourselves. We are saved through grace. No one can earn the salvation by action or work of the law. Salvation is a gift by God to us.
But once saved, we gratefully seek to do His will to please him. This is why I am obeying the law. The Scriptures everywhere speak about these truth. Love and obedience goes together
I know you wrote this a long time ago but I just had to reply, thank you I thought NO ONE caught the fact that if Jesus or Paul added or took away from scipture in any way, they would have been LIARS1
+dreagan58 as previously mentioned, Yeshua never worked on the Sabbath. He healed on the Sabbath. Healing a person is NOT considered work, it’s helping a neighbor. The pharasees and their false manmade traditions, seperate from the commands of God, declared that healing was an act of work. Yeshua told them they were wrong, and the pharasees backed down their arguement and were proven wrong.
1John 2
3And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.4He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 5But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of Elohim perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. 6He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
How did Messiah walk? against the law or in obedience to it? we are commanded to walk like him, unless this is a lie.
I love Shabbat! It is like christmass every week! Everything is so clean and good food is on the table, and my family is alltogether! I love it!
Oh, and shabbath is from sundown friday until sundown saturday, not sunday.
Proper gun Jah God bless!!!!
Agreed, I always look forward to Sabbath…the original “TGIF” lol 😁😎
Does Lev 23:11-21 mean Sunday?
Proper gun Jah , keep living.
There’s nothing wrong with Torah
Satan has used the early church fathers to defile the salvation message.Mankind does not want to submit to Gods commandments.
I assume we all try to follow the laws of the land? Howmuch more important should Gods laws be to us. It is not anything harmful to do so. It is obedience. It is not salvation. But doesnt every Father desire obidence from his children?
Is soo crazy how people defend violating the 5th commandment… I mean even the Catholics hide it from the commandments but see I expect that from the Catholics not from the born again Christians that kind of upset me. Satan is soo active this days to deceive even the elect.
Remembering the Sabbath has brought so much joy and resolution to my body, soul and Spirit. I, too, look forward to it each week. The rest and calming time with God is unbelievable. I wish I was taught to do so when I was younger growing up in the Church.
Romans 10:4 KJV
[4] For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.
Hebrews 7:12 King James Version (KJV)
12 For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law
I am a gentile, Acts 15 places no other burden. The old covenants are done, over, Israel was removed from the earth in 70ad. Read Galatians 5: one word sums up all the law. The temple was destroyed, The ark had been gone along with God many years before. the priesthood reduced to all are a priest with one high priest. You lose grace when you teach old covenant rules, rituals, etc for salvation. You teach that Jesus is not enough if you teach torah. IMHO.