The real cause & solution to Autoimmune disease
There are other many types of autoimmune diseases many people suffer from today. Some of them are ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, thyroid disease, lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lyme & even Alzheimer’s & dementia. There are so much more.
Learn documented science, facts and real live case studies that prove you can prevent and beat these life-destroying symptoms.
You can discover the truth in this free 7-part documentary series, featuring over 50 doctors, scientists, researchers and survivors.
Help….first a demolition crew showed up to renovate the apt next door and was literally tearing the place apart. Then the parking lot was sealed and the chemicals were so afixiating that I had to go out thru back door. Then they sprayed insecticides very strongly all over property. Next my throat started hurting, I woke up and projectile vomited and developed a severe upper respiratory infection. After healing from that an elderly woman smashed into the back of my car and then yesterday morning I woke up to a flood in my apt. Apparently, the crew next door left the water on. Can you pray for me????
am praying for ya and maybe think of selling your place and moving, plus get a lawyer and sue for your suffering on a contingency basis, where the lawyer does it for free until he collects as no one should have had to suffer what you did…good luck too!!!!!
@ron valic Lol….why move?….the worst is over and this is my 4th apt in 4 years….every single one has been a disaster….I’m renting and there were all really nice. It’s not easy finding an attorney who likes to actually work so if you know of one around here please let me know. Did you mean for getting sick??? Tough to prove, especially since I hardly ever step foot into md’s offices…..for obvious reasons….they don’t know much and do more harm than good in most instances…like put members of my family in early graves after stealing thousands!!! Thanx for your prayers though. Prayer is why I’m still here. Lol
@Mama Tara yes, doctors killed my mom and dad with pills, so sad how they get away with that as that is what they are trained in, pills.
i think i have an upper respiratory infection caused by primeatine mist, my over the counter asthma inhaler, cause i noticed that since they rereleased it on the market again that the formula has gotten weaker and i go through a unit in 3 weeks when it should last 2 months, very strange as i have to use it many times a day.
well you sound like a young person and when i was in college i decided to stay in the town and lived there for 25 years and in those 25 years i had 13 apartments due to my loud stereo, which now days has turned down quite a bit…..and yes, there are sharks in the ocean and sharks on dry land, and the ones on dry land wear suits and are called doctors and lawyers……..!
paul, do, a 20 minute video where the first 10 minutes are you with the puter outside for sunrise and the last 10 minutes are you with the puter outside for the sunset by the ocean…..?