Today I reply to the question someone sent me asking…
I read that John the Baptist and Yeshua were essene. Essene is raw vegan group. What do u think?
This video is my answer…
Today I reply to the question someone sent me asking…
I read that John the Baptist and Yeshua were essene. Essene is raw vegan group. What do u think?
This video is my answer…
My take is if they were true Israelite’s they observed the passover. That requires doing the lamb thing.
Even if they did eat animals, it certainly was not “animal products”.
Hitler was a vegetarian. Jesus Christ ate meat…………. Go figure
Hitler was NOT a vegetarian. 1) Dione Lucas, [Hitler’s] cook before the war, claimed that he was a fan of pigeon, sausages and ham.
2) “The Hitler Book” details Hitler’s routine in 1944: “After midnight [Eva] would direct that there should be another light snack of turtle soup, sandwiches, and sausages.”
3) “The April 14, 1996, edition of The New York Times re-published their article from 1937. “‘It is well known that Hitler is a vegetarian…although he occasionally relishes a slice of ham.”
The KJV Bible
I agree Jesus ate meat. My issue is when people agree with Hitler that a vegetarian diet includes ham. Is ham now a vegetable? I don’t get the reasoning… Also, in addition to the 3 sources I mentioned (including the New York Times and Hitler’s chef), there is also Albert Speer, Hitler’s top architect, who wrote a biography after his 20 year jail sentence. In the biography, he said Hitler would often eat sausages and meat-filled ravioli. I only bring this up as a response. God bless. 🙂
Animal products can be things like milk and eggs.
The problem is excluding all dietary fat. If you refrain from eating animals for ethical reasons that’s fine. But you should understand the health issues involved for you. Adding whole milk from grass fed cows and eggs from free range chickens should give you more than enough fat to stay healthy. Additons like coconut oil and olive oil are also very beneficial.
Is that what your Dr told you?
Jesus Christ is not a mythical character LOL. His disciples went to horrible deaths spreading Christianity. No one willing gets crucified, burned at the stake or skinned alive for a mythical character that they made up for no personal gain what so ever..
Jesus, the second person of the Holy Trinity ( Father , Son and Holy Spirit), God himself come to Earth. I AM…Ate meat..Go figure
This following information i want to share with you people about the … ( ESSENES PEOPLE ) from the ( NELSON’S … NEW ILLUSTRATED Bible Dictionary ) It says this —-> Above all, Christians believed that Jesus was the Messiah and Lord; the Essenes as a group rejected Jesus and continued to wait for God’s salvation.
lord now you will see a SWARRMM of christians saying WHAT JESSUSSS JOGN!! ughhhhhhh AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! lol.. relax ..
Ahh Yes children,The story of the Suns path through the cosmos in relation to the planets , zodiacal figures , and the human nervous system and its refinement (for those that attest to and take on this refinement)from the perspective and stand point of earth.
You can see witness this figure jesus/ Yeshua and this repetitive story that still repeats itself without end today here and now,LiterallyTODAYor any dayLook upand check out the SUN,You know the bright object sailing through the cosmos.
There it is,the story.
Is life not good enough already without having to believe this misinterpreted story. Every individual advances them selves to attain greater status in the universe and creation. Not by being lazy and waiting for something to come along and sweep them away.
This is not history , IT is nothing more than the depiction of the ever going , never ending cyclical cycle of the Suns path through the cosmos. Jesus , Herms, Buddha, Krishna etc.(and many many more). Are all depictions of the same Story of the SUN (93,000,000 miles away) from the perspective of standing/being on earth. The complete knowledge of this cycle is used for the advancement and refinement of the individual personal nervous system of each human.
You never posted the ‘other video’. Where can one study about the true essenes and history, or your info. on essene gospel of peace..
Not sure about Essene history prior to Yeshua’s life/ministry. methinks they embraced Him, more so that he “embraced” them or their teachings, per se.
like many, the Essenes “were onto something” with some of their “insights.”
But, what got perverted & what didn’t, only ABBA can say for sure.
methinks also, like many a gnostic group, the Essenes basically had to “go underground” with their beliefs/practices as political-majority groups basically ridiculed/persecuted them. many an individual is “Essene” by nature, and don’t know it. I wonder if any & how many “essene” people &/or groups are really out there in the “real world”. Shalom Aleichem.
I have studied this subject. It is not a quick study, as much has been covered up. If one wishes to uncover truth, I suggest looking up the daily living conditions and practices of the Essenes, then compare them to the Acts Church. You will find a 80-90% similarity. It is certainly enough to warrent further exploration in this question. I also will suggest that you look into the major and minor prophets and see how many were against sacrifice. Also look into Numbers 11 and the meaning of the name in verse 34. Not to mention we are call to perfection anf YHWH’s perfection was realized in the garden. May the spirit of wisdom guide you to all truth and may Yahushua’s peace rest upon you! <3
I think Yeshua found his own way, leading 2 separation from that community 😎…and yeap, I think that way was about the true (raw) ways of nature. I don’t think that the baptist did exist. The ocean = okeanos = Johannen. The head is the sun, sinking into the ocean everyday again, turning the water red (into vine). The crucification was about the priest king Azizus Monobaz. The true Yeshua was “just” a helping person or persons, who found out about the truth, wich was shared with help seeking people, wonderful and simple as that 😎