What is your favorite fruit?

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Music by Joseph Israel


18 thoughts on “What is your favorite fruit?

  1. raspberries!!!!!!!!!! oh how I love them but they are so expensive and hard to find and I have tried to grow them but can’t – next … blueberries – can’t grow them either but I love them too (they are expensive too but I splurge from time to time) – then anything that is “yellow or orange” like starfruit or oranges or tangerines or mangos or pineapple or … or … yummy – grapes are just okay and strawberries too – you didn’t ask least favorite ——— apples and bananas!! yes I will eat them from time to time (they are the cheapest to find however they don’t find their way into my shopping cart very often) – gosh I would rather have anything but an apple or banana – some of the fruit you showed I have gotten in a can at the local Asian market – not the best way to eat it but if not for the Asian market I would have never tried them

  2. At Miami fruit we dehydrated sprouted coconut and it tasted like salted popcorn. We also dehydrated yellow dragon fruit and it tasted like the marshmallows from lucky charms

  3. I absolutely love jackfruit! I discovered it watching one of your videos. I found a local Asian market that sells them but you have to get there on the day they receive their shipment because they sell out fast. Any tips on how to break down a jackfruit? My biggest problem is the sticky fibers that surround the fruit.

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