Diseases have different names but are often the same issue. This video talks about nutrition and the brain.


6 thoughts on “What Nutrition Affects the Brain?

    • Try foot baths with a product called “MMS;” that you can obtain from Ebay.  I try to soak my feet for 1 hour, every other day.  Also Ecklonia Cava Extract works wonders for most any health/mental issues.  I will leave more info above, since; you asked…

  1. I had colon cancer so bad back in 1990 that the Dr. only wanted to give me 6 weeks to live; and he could not for the life of him, figure out how I survived the prior 3 and 1/2 years.  Though he kicked me out of the hospital a few days later – I guess it was a faith healing; but, I had bad diarrhea ever since – that was until around 3 months ago when I started taking Ecklonia Cava Extract.  Here is info about it; and I am not offering any brand to buy and/or etc. – not only because it is Sabbath; but also because, I got mine from China in 2kg. bags… expensive for me because I am poor; but by far, the best of any supplement I have ever used:  http://examine.com/supplements/Ecklonia+cava/

    The constituents in Ecklonia Cava Extract get by the blood/brain barrier and it has gotten rid of most my pain I have had since 1992 when I broke my back… since I been taking it for around 3 months now… I am 90% pain free.  Problem is though – I am now so active… I forget my limitations and then suffer a couple days from my own incompetence.  I also use Moringa and MMS, curcumin is also very beneficial is used with black pepper.


  2. what a bunch of crap. psychology and dit are connected, but things like bipolarity and schizofrenia are most of the times spiritual issues. human isnt only gut and brain. humans have a soul. and as the mortal body needs nutritients, the immortal soul needs to feed with prayer to Christ.

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