In this message, what the bible says about health and diet, I share information from my book health according tot he Scriptures. I recorded this lecture at the current feast of Sukkoth in North Florida. You can check out more of my health teachings at

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15 thoughts on “What the Bible says about health and diet

  1. I hope you realized you changed my life forever. For that, I can only be forever grateful. I look forward to meeting you in heaven with our heavenly father YHWH and His Holy Son Yeshua in our presence.

  2. Thanks Paul… your truly an inspiration!! I’m going to purchase a nutribullet for my family and we’re going to start making a habit of drinking healthy and fulfilling whole foods… no more rubbish… love listening to you. I feel such a great conviction in my spirit. I just love it!!! thanks brother. xxShalom

    • Yes, it is difficult. Are there any studies to back up what you are claiming? Any food that is heated or frozen is changed. I mean no disrespect but I need proof for the business about the microwave oven.

  3. its good paul you have cominsense kosher but I would not say I dont care what the bible says cause it sounds like your disrespecting Yahweh Word the way you come off but Also I do Agree I. believe Yahweh gives us commonsense whats healthy to eat and whats. is not

  4. Not only that but antibiotics kill healthy intestinal flora and then you get overweight by a candida yeast growth… Then you feed it with sugar and get obese really fast…

  5. The bible does not say to eat only vegetables, you got that from the seventh day Adventist, I know because I was born and raised as one, and farther never pratice that and he was the senior decan of our church in New York spannish Manhattan . Shaul says he who eats only vegetables is because his faith is weak. Torah tells you what to eat and what not to eat, you not be preaching this to people Paul though I admire your zeal but your interpretation of diet in the Sripture is not founded, Abraham ate meat and so did all the prophets down to yahshua and his apostles , read their diets, it is all there, all the men of Yahweh ate meat, the only time when one ate only vegetables was Daniel when was set before the king’s table because the king’s food was not kosher, so please reconsider what your believing and look at what your bible is actually saying.

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