27 thoughts on “What we should do on Yom Kippur

  1. Hallelujah thank you for clarifying that yom kippur is the Day of atonement and that Jesus atoned for my sins. Thank you God I will fast and pray thanksgiving

  2. Thank you so much for this and of course praise our Heavenly Father through Messiah Yeshua…Our beautiful redeemer. I am new to following Yah’ s holy days…and I am grateful to have sound teaching on the TRUE reasons for them instead if just blind tradition. I am truly blessed today and see/feel our Creator’ s gentle heart through Messiah today. Wow, what a graceful and loving GOD we serve in His endless mercy.

  3. I have a question. The moon was not sighted in Israel until the 11th so Yom Turah started on the 12th. Ten days of awe is next so wouldn’t that mean Yom Kipper would start on Friday?

  4. I wasn’t sure if we were meeting (Yom Kippur) but very thankful for the fellowship. At the company I work for you are not allowed to discuss or bring in any “religious” information or you run the risk of job loss. I prayed about it and I found a way to “proclaim” even on a busy day. I carry slips of paper flyers in my pocket that have basic scripture info about Yeshua and repentance with the website listed as a resource (torahlife.com). When I use the ladies lavatory at whatever location I happen to be, I leave a few at different spots for reading material …:) It brings hope to my day that although I may not know the outcome, what I do know is that Yahweh will use what I do to reach others in His Way. I know this sounds odd but I believe there is no excuse when it comes to proclaiming the Word, even if you are super busy (used to be my sinners excuse..:/ ) It is a requirement for followers of Yeshua as I understand it I made this one simple action a part of my routine along with a short blessing that Yah’s Will be done in the hope that it leads someone to Yeshua. Shalom

    • Way to go Barb. It’s not odd what you do. Though my life, Yah has always reached out to me though people like yourself. When I was far away from our loving creator and his risen son, I would always find messages here and there. Messages left by good hearted people motivated by love their love of Yah and his love of us. Keep it up! It does make a difference.

  5. Brother Paul, beautiful message and clarification, these days of feasts are really transforming, I’m learning a lot with listening to you, I have a personal quest if living a life that honour our MESSIAH in purity & gratefulness as a woman.teaching my children by example! Shalom and thank you

  6. Bless you brother Paul….Shalom Shalom! How about SEVEN things we should be doing? Pray, praise, proclaim, read, repent, REJOICE, and submit!!!! Halellu’YAH!!! Thank you very much!!!

  7. Shalom, thank you for posting the video, but today is not the correct Yom Kippur. Today is Yom Kippur according to Judaism. It’s not Yom Kippur by the Torah. According to the Torah and according to the moon in Israel Yom Kippur would be Thursday Sundown until Friday sundown.

  8. Afflict = Humble = Submit = Repent = Commune = Praise = Worship = Glorify = Set Aside/Apart = Dedicate = Sacrifice
    To our Creator, YeHoVaH…
    To our Savior, Yeshua…

    “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; The punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, And by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.”
    ‭‭ISAIAH‬ ‭53:5‬ ‭AMP‬‬

  9. I would be scared too if I did’nt recognize the shed blood of my Lord and Savior..I keep a very short list of sin that i nightly talk to our Father about.

  10. But he was wounded for our transgressions , he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we …

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