Many people who attend church and read the Bible suffer from disease just as much as people who don't. As so-called believers of God, your actions and standards need to be higher than the people who are not. The consequences if they are not can result in disease.


20 thoughts on “Why Christians Get Sick

  1. @sticksbass Why do you believe he cursed you? Why is your sin so great? Do you think your sin is even too great for God to gorgive??. If you think so, you may want to think again. Jesus died for all sin, not everybody’s but yours. If you are truly sorry and repent for your sin he will forgive it.

  2. Thank you Paul – too many people who say they are Christians today feel they that discernment is “judgment” – – or within families scream one down, calling one judgmental for saying, with love, “I am sorry but you call yourself a Christian but you are smoking cigarettes, swearing, doing cocaine, having sex out of marriage – refusing to have contrition for harming others – – including incest” – – It is time that we listen to real scripture – we do not have to be Judgmental – but we must pray

  3. @AlienAviator No issue with taking your shirt off in private but not in front of others. If you wear natural fibers the D3 gets through. I sun bath often in private and love it. Very healthy

  4. Great video. I was a bit confused on the pants thing. I thought the Bible was referring to men cross dressing? So, men and women aren’t suppose to wear pants at all?

  5. why do all guys growing a beard end up saying stupid stuff sooner or later. I like your food videos but it seems you also spat a lot of nonsense. If you follow your logic weed would also be natural. A present from god. Why else would god create weed?

  6. God Speaks to me when i Iisten to ur words more then when i go to a christian church can i Iive in DE can u heIp me find a Jewish peopIe who know G0d the Father and his Son

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