Listen to this interview and see why this man got circumcised at 64 years old.
32 thoughts on “Why did this man get circumcised at 64 years old?”
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Listen to this interview and see why this man got circumcised at 64 years old.
Always good to see people wagering their children’s genitals on the existence of supernatural monsters.
why get circumcised at 64 ,the covenant is no good if you do not do it after the 8th day,it isclearly stated in the Torah
Why do we allow freedom of religion when so many Religious people believe in crazy medieval ideas that were written by men not a god to control society. To believe something. Without proof is a mental illness and should be treated.
What do we make of these?
1. For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God. – 1 Corinthians 7:19
2. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love. – Galatians 5:6
3. Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. – Galatians 5:2
Read Galatians 5:2-6 because I can’t fit it here.
And were you awake during the whole process? I bet you had anesthesia! Newborn baby boys don’t.
Who cares im circumsized and i dont remember it
+Nightmare831 I care greatly. Thousands of other men who were circumcised as defenseless infants care greatly. Perhaps you don’t remember the actual act of getting your foreskin forcibly torn off your body, but your body does. Your penis is most likely scarred. Mine is for sure. I am also psychologically and sexually scarred. My life is miserable and I’m suicidal, and it’s primarily due to this non-consensual deformation of my most sensitive organ. I wish that I was like you and the other lucky circumcised men who can lead healthy emotional and sexual lives. Unfortunately, I cannot. I wish my body was respected. I wish I was given the choice.
+iCamouflage123 the commit suicide yolo
Need to know where you went to so I can go get it done there.
Need to know where you went to so I can go get it done there.
Hey Man, yu gadda sprehd the Wohrd – Abraham’s Traab nyds moh brenweshed men lyke yu to stend foh what’s raayt, Yeh, cut the hole dyck eof- an he be even moh happy, en show the vydeeoh – uah nat to paes yt – as Fuhn…
Sense when are Christians sapose to follow the Torah? Please explain, because i’m a born again Christian and i would never get circumcised well at least not because the Jewish book said so…
+Shanon The National Socialist you do realize the Torah is just the first 5 books of the bible right?
Yes I know, but the Old Covenant is no longer in place, instead we have new Covenant and the circumcision the Old Covenant spoke of was a small slit at the very tip of the Foreskin, which was the Milah, but Muslims or some other outside source influenced the Jews and forced it to change to the Peri’ah which is removing the entire prepuce which is horrible dangerous, against human rights and just down right ignorant.
+Shanon The National Socialist, Hi Shanon, just want to say that you are right in regards to being under a New Covenant however we must not ignore the terms, conditions and laws of this New Covenant. Jeremiah 31:31-33 clearly prophecies that this New Covenant will have God’s Law (Torah) and that this Torah will be in our hearts and mind. The reason why we need a Law is to keep us from breaking the New Covenant and receiving punishment for that (Hebrews 10:28-29). The Torah of God is holy, just and good for those who wish to be in the New Covenant but bad for those to wish to live out of the New Covenant it is bad because it will condemn them(Romans 7:12, 1 Timothy 1:8). Our Father wants us to live in holiness and not in sin. What is sin? Transgression of the Law (Torah) (1 John 3:4). If there is no Torah, then there is no definition of sin and we will fall unto lawlessness/iniquity (Matthew 7:22-23). If you really love God you will follow his commandments (1 John 5:3). Solomon, the wisest man who live (besides Jesus/Yeshua) said that our duty in life is to fear God and keep his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Don’t be deceived into living in lawlessness but be true to our lives’ purpose of living in holiness just as our Father is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Hope this shines some light on this matter. God Bless.
The. Circumcision in the bible is the circumcision of the heart not penis.
your just a damm ole fool, we are all fools to what we dont know,the foreskin is there to protect,if you said you did it to last longer during intercourse, i would understand,
You are a FOOL!!!
Good choice. Yehovah Bless you.
As a Christian, this guy should have read Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Circumcision is totally unnecessary for salvation.
Nice job!!! Nothing bad happen to you because you obeyed “The Most High”
God created man with two arms, two legs, one head etc.If god created you the way you are, this is bec he intended this way.Do not spit on this grand design by any form of body mutilation.
did it hurt and how long did it take to heal?
I have to get circumcised soon, i am not religious, i won’t go into detail as to the reason, but i want to know, does it hurt? And how long until it heals? I am very nervous
haahah. it is no hurt bro.
Aris Mariyanto Right. Well, it’s over, meh. Gonna take some getting used to
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. ( 1 Corinthians 7:18)
Because he is an idiot.
He was not circumcised on the 8th day ,so does it count ?
sure it still counts for something
Torah Life Ministries
Still count for something? Good grief! Torah for Blacks? Wtf! Judaism is strictly for the Jews. This idiotic black old man knew nothing about
Torah. Blacks! Just want to be different than his Whitey neighbors.
Chief Runner Abraham got circumcised after old age. His heart was circumcised first. There’s health reason why @ 8 days it should be done. The blood clots then because vitamin k is high in the body. Also right before entering the land there was a circumcision done on the men.