For over 20 years I was on a 100% raw vegan diet.
I am currently about 95% raw vegan. Find out what inspirited me to
go on a raw vegan diet many years ago.
My site:
on …
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For over 20 years I was on a 100% raw vegan diet.
I am currently about 95% raw vegan. Find out what inspirited me to
go on a raw vegan diet many years ago.
My site:
on …
Music by
i wonder what you were like as a wall street guy(?)
You can see many pictures of my and videos on youtube without my beard
I’m sorry.. you don’t look heathy..
meat is complete protein and i will not go vegan.
Plenty of world class vegan Athletes around the world out there, the list is endless
meat is the lower quality protein and very toxic
please take the freaking music off your channel!!!
many people including I enjoy the song
why is your hair thinning out? doesn’t a raw vegan diet reverse baldness?
I have over 1000 videos explaining how the raw food diet works with the body. Some people lose their hair. it is not always a sign of poor health, however many times it is but either way a raw vegan diet as nothing to do with it either way and anyone who told you that has no idea what they are talking about.
The Raw Life Health Show hairloss and ejaculation goes hand to hand. everytime you ejaculate you lose 5mg of zinc. You may need to abstain from ejaculating and making sure you are getting enough testosterone. When you have a problem on your head that means you have a problem with the head down stairs. Stress is a big factor as well. hope this helps.
Looks fine to me