The couple in this video understand modesty according to the Scriptures. You can contact them on their facebook page. Just search Diarasis N Joel Rodriguez

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Music by Joseph Israel


22 thoughts on “Why this woman wears a headcovering

  1. That is awesome. I don’t cover as of yet. Scripture doesn’t command women to cover as their husband is their cover, but I do find it beautiful when I see women cover. I may want to want to do it someday. I do like it. I’m also very happy to know that there are brothers and sisters in Florida to find. We are planning to move there and we would love to sorround ourselves with TO community. I love this. Thank you and Shalom.

  2. …I’m a Christian ..and I’ve wirn a head covering since 2011..
    A haed covering ?isn’t@ any “religious belief”`
    It is only about ..
    A person being in total submission and having a unbelievable RESPECT fo God Himself .

  3. ..anybody …who finds themselves ..
    Needing ..
    To cover their gead? any way ,foirm..etc..?
    .is absolutely ..
    Following gut instincts towards the future spiritualalitity of this planet..

  4. Thank you for being such beautiful shining lights for YHVH from the inside out and sharing your inspirational journey. It’s so great to see men and women considering modesty because there are so many eye traps and stumbling blocks out there for us all! The more we love our Father and want to please Him first, instead of people, the more He can work through us and finish the beautiful work He started in us. Thanks Paul for this interview, Shalom to you all!

  5. Hi, Paul!! I have not been able to attend a congregation in quite some time; however, whenever i can, I do “attend” Shabbat Service online. I have seen this couple!! Joel plays violin so beautifully!! Esther always presents herself beautifully while maintaining modesty!! So nice to sort of “meet” them here!! Several years ago, I was contemplating wearing a headcovering. My husband and son were not accepting of my wanting to wear a covering; I will continue to explore;I continue to be a work in progress. Todah!! Sue

    • J Ru you may want to pray about your feelings toward Paul. we are called to encourage one another. the Greatest command is to Love. And forgiving is 7X70x have you tried to practice those from scripture?

    • Edward Hathcock; we are in agreement. However, this video is discussing women physically covering their head. Also, Yeshua is your head in that He is over/above you not your covering as men are not to cover their head. This is no small detail as you convey the wrong message when you say He is your head covering.

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