This is the sixth episode of the Yeshua Said Series. Anyone who believes we no longer need to follow the Torah, the teachings of our Creator, need to hear this teaching. These scriptures in Matthew 5:17-5:20 clearly reveal our Messiah Yeshua telling people why it is so important they follow the Torah. For those who understand this to be true, there are still some things Yeshua says that often people do not understand. Enjoy this episode and please post your comments below. It would be very helpful if you could like this video on YouTube and facebook. Thank you!


22 thoughts on “Yeshua Said… (Matthew 5:17-20) Part 6

  1. the messiah taught the torah and mister land is afraid to use it or refuses to teach with it? It’s very confusing considering the messiah loved the torah and wasn’t afraid to use it. Somewhere along the line christian’s decided to not be christ-like and just use the renewed covenant. matthew 5:19 says alot. if i were a spiritual leader to Messiah-like people then i would love the torah and love to teach it just like our messiah. I’m so confused how people can think otherwise.

  2. does he teach his followers to keep the 10 commandments? .That’s torah. if he doesn’t use the torah or teach with it then he must omit the 10 commandments also. To pick and choose parts of scripture is very dangerous. So its very odd to say we don’t use the old convenant but …. we do use a few parts ? its just not messiah-like to ignore his foundation.I used to believe it was only new testament but i decided to read his word like a baby anew and it was woefully apparent how blind i was.

  3. No, all you need to do is follow the way of Messiah and you are doing the right right thing. No need to convert, just obey. Shalom

  4. We are saved by the blood of Messiah but that is not an excuse to not keep his Torah. That is what Yeshua, Paul and everyone taught in the scriptures. Only the christian church teaches different.

  5. Welcome to my channel and thanks for checking out my videos. Where I am coming from, we are not saved by works, only by the blood of Messiah, but if we are truly saved we should have ever desire to do His works.

    • NoExitLoveNow that only applies the nation of israel. There are prodecures to stone people to death. If you pick up a stone to stone some one in another country… you would be breaking the torah

  6. awesome, youtube ‘ron wyatt’ – when Yeshua was crucified he fulfilled the old covenant as the high priest and the renewed covenant. John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.John 5:8 And there are three that bear witness IN earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

  7. Yeshua walked Torah. Christians want to be Christ-like but not walk in Torah. So weird. Sounds like God wrote the bible and used Paul’s writings to weed out those that wanted the easy,. or broad way into heaven

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