This is the 7th episode of the Yeshua Said series. In this episode, I cover Matthew 5:21-5:27. Yeshua has just told them that their righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 5:20) if they want to enter the kingdom of heaven. He is now going to illustrate what He meant by that shocking statement and talks about murder and anger.
16 thoughts on “Yeshua Said… (Matthew 5:21-26) Part 7”
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Thankyou Paul. May YAH bless His truth from your mouth to our ears 🙂
Great teaching. Matthew 5:26 – could YHWH also be talking about Debt to Credit Cards in our day as well?
Thank you…right on brother…..hahahaha….taking a bother to court in front of non-believers just enriches the non-believers.
Perfect timing with this video. Having issues with my in-laws. UGH!
my dad just died with anger on his heart toward his only brother. I begged and begged him to make peace with him to no avail. I know and believe that anger, bitterness and resentment is a blocker to healing and that the root of bitterness causes disease in our bodies. Messiah wanted us to know this and live by HIS way of forgiveness. I believe that my dad’s disease started right after the falling out with his brother. Thank you for this message, brother Paul.
Great teaching Brother Paul! Enjoyed it immensely. Shalom, Shalom!
Oh ya, the angry Smurf was named Grumpy! Shalom, Shalom, my Brother from another mother!
Paul I so appreciate this study I just found. I know it is hard to get out of our westernized mentality where everything has been so twisted including YHWHs words. Good is now evil, evil now good. After close to 60 years in Christian doctrine we have now found Torah, and have been following the Way as we now worship in Spirit and in truth! Shalom..Shalom…Shalom!
I’m confused about the Sabbath – if no one were to work for one day each week, then what would happen to patients in hospitals, or accident victims?
I believe you have been sent from YaHuWaH . . . You speak TRUTH .
@Sally Somerville: Luke 13:13-16
Very well done brother.. well done
Shalom shalom. This is a very special and important topic of discussion. I remeber when I was trying to get closer to God I experienced a time when I would always feel angry. And was angry for no reason, and just annoyed by people. And I knew it wasn’t of God. So I would pray and ask God to help me with that. I would also rebuke and spirit trying to influence over me of anger and for God’s glory He helped me with it. I mean it was really burdensome to my spirit. And I would feel convicted of the anger.
So I know God (I guess) had to manifest that which was “there” and I didn’t know.
God is good. Now for His esteem… I can say I’m better from that, and wisely try controlling when I get upset. And I always try to make sure to no get upset over small things and make peace and give love. Praise His name forever. Amen. ❤
Should women who sleep with men before they are married be stoned as punishment, as per I think Deuteronomy 21? Because while Yeshua tells people to keep the prophets’ writings, it’s this kind of example that people would nevertheless shy away from saying he was including in his message – particularly as he seemed to forgive a woman for allegedly sleeping with men (ie, “go, and sin no more”).
Amen Paul yes the KJVB has some error but most is true we are not to be angry with out a cause
when I said error I mean words like easter in the KJVB when it should be passover