We don't keep Torah to be saved, we keep Torah because we are saved.


21 thoughts on “Yeshua, Sin, Torah and Grace!

  1. Most of my videos define torah and answer your question. I can’t go through and find them right now but browse my videos and i”m sure you’ll find your answer.

  2. The Oral Torah says only a life can override the Sabbath so a doctor or someone else could work on this day. It doesn’t say it in the written scriptures but Yeshua himself said it is okay to work to help someone. But we can’t confuse that with working for money or doing business. Good questions. Thank you

  3. Hey Paul, in my ever increasing walk with God, I have come across an “in house” debate between Calvinism and Arminiansm. Just wonder what your take is on the subject. Many scriptures seem to back up both sides.

  4. I’m curious if you accept as scripture Eph 2:8-9 that says that you are not saved by works?
    Or do you teach that you are saved by grace but one of two things are true:
    1) If you don’t do works, that proves you were never saved
    2) If you don’t do works, you have lost your salvation

    Was not this issue resolved at the Council of Jerusalem found in Acts 15? Yes it was!

    So I say:
    1) You are saved without one single work required ever by faith alone in Christ’s work.

  5. Why do you call God and Jesus a liar?

    He said you have “everlasting life” (John 3:15, 16, 36, John 6:47) the very second you believed, yet you are putting the law right back on yourself!

    According to Jesus, you have fallen from grace!!! Galations 5:1-4. If you have believed from the beginning that you must work to be/maintain saved/salvation, you are not saved.

    If you first believed correctly that you are saved by faith alone, you are saved but are sending YOUR FRIENDS/FAMILY to HELL.

  6. Really. James 2? Another false works teacher butchering the James 2 – what a shock.

    Curious if you are aware that after one is saved, there are some scriptures that deal with how we fellowship with the Lord, and don’t actually pertain to salvation?

    Or is every scripture in the whole bible dealing with salvation to you?

  7. The bible that you HATE is the word of God. It is for edification, reproof, stuff like that… and for you to test these spirits who talk to you.

    As confused as you are, you need all the help you can get.

    “I DON’T TEACH MYSELF” LOLOLOL. Well you got that right!

  8. Faith + Obedience(as a requirement of salvation) = Hell

    Faith + Nothing = Everlasting Life

    and can result in all manner of works in the Spirit including obedience.

  9. Shalom Paul, what would you answer to this argument of John Piper? youtube.com/watch?v=xR6l87FiR_8&list=PLaBttVvqiWbDgQqXjCsMojdFcpxAohojw

  10. Paul, thank you so incredibly much for doing these videos. It is so helpful and comforting to us who do not have fellow Hebrews to fellowship with. Please keep up the good work! Yah bless 🙂

  11. Acts 15 the law (of the Pharisees) is a burdan that no one can bear – see ves5 also see the last advice from James: 21 For from ancient generations Moses has had in every city those who proclaim him, for he is read every Sabbath in the synagogues.”

  12. The Gospel

    1. Acknowledge you are a sinner, “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).

    2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that He died for your sins, was buried and rose again (Rom. 4:5; 1Cor. 15:3-4).

    3. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

    My Website is Called Faith Alone Gospel.


    Type it in the url

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